Never Have I Ever

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Thank you for 3k reads 💕 it means so much to me that people are enjoying these!

Archie's POV
"Alright everyone!" Reggie yells standing on the table. "it's game time" he finishes and jumps down. I look down at Ronnie and she looks at me and we sit down to play. We're at a New Years party hosted by Reggie and Cheryl, so it has a high probability of going wrong. "Rules: each person will receive a shot glass. The host, being me, will say something you have or have not done, if you have done it you have to take a shot. Keep track of your shots because the first one to 10 loses" Reggie says while handing everyone shot glasses. "I have a feeling the first to lose will be the big city girl" Reggie says handing her a shot glass, it bothers me that Reggie still shameless flirts with my girlfriend. She rolls her eyes and takes the shot glass and fills up mine and hers for the first round. "Okay. Never have I ever kissed someone of the same gender" Reggie says. I leave my shot go but out of the corner of my eye I see Veronica down her shot like it was water. I look over at her and she winks and fills her shot back up and I laugh. "Okay Veronica already down one, this will be fun" Josie says poking at her. "Hey I was just being experimental" she says defensively and people laugh. "Next one. Never have I ever had sex" Reggie says. Veronica, Me, Kevin, Josie, Reggie, and Moose all down our shots. "Okay uh. Who has one?" Reggie asks, too buzzed to keep going. "Never have I ever lost my virginity in the Hamptons" Kevin says smirking. "No targeting!" Veronica shouts pointing at Kevin. "BACK UP?! The Hamptons? Damn" Reggie says laughing. "Shut up. I'm not drinking the shot, I told him that in confidence" Veronica says standing her ground. "Wait he's serious" I say surprised. "Ooh Andrews is jealous. He's never screwed Lodge in the Hamptons" Reggie fake whispers. "Shut up Reggie" Veronica says. "Next one" she continues, clearly desperate to change the subject. "Never have I ever smoked pot" Cheryl says. "Dammit" Ronnie says groaning and taking another shot. We keep going and Veronica is losing with 9, 1 more and she's done. She's leaning her elbows on the table and shaking her head "just put me out of my misery" she says with a laugh. I laugh too and rub her back. "Never have I ever had a 3 way" Josie says. "Oh thank god I haven't done that. Never will either" Veronica says drunk. Reggie is the only one who takes his shot. "Question" Veronica says pointing at him. "What" he slurs back. "2 girls or 2 guys" she asks curiously. "2 girls" he says smiling. "Hmm Congratulations" she says surprised. "Andrews come up with one" Reggie says scratching his head. My head is foggy from the alcohol but I'm only at 4. "Hmmm. Never have I ever.... had sex in a public area" I say. "Seriously!" Ronnie exclaims while taking her final shot. Reggie claps "and that's 10. Give it up for the one who has lived life to its fullest" he says laughing. "That's not how I'd put it but okay" She says leaning back. After 45 minutes of us lying around and sobering up Veronica looks over at me. "Are you sober enough to drive or do you just want to walk" she asks still sounding a bit drunk. "We should walk" I say "it might make you feel better" I finish while standing and helping her to stand. "Okay. That's a good idea" she says rubbing her temples. "Ugh I'm so gonna regret this tomorrow" she murmurs and I put her coat on her. "I think that's the point" I say leaning in to kiss her cheek. I walk her home in silence, but this silence feels like there's something hanging over us. When we arrive at the Pembrooke we walk through the slightly lit lobby still in complete silence and we get on the elevator. I click her floor button and the movement of the elevator makes her grimace. I pull her to my side and she leans her head on my chest and I kiss her forehead. We step off and I walk her to her door. She unlocks it and she turns to face me "thanks for walking me Archiekins" she says with a tired smile. "Of course. I'll call you tomorrow" I say tucking her hair behind her ear. "Alright. Love you" She says stepping inside. "Love you too" I say walking away, but still feeling unfinished. I start to walk down the hallway but I hear her door open again and I turn around. "Archie" she says stepping out in the hall. "Yeah?" I ask while sticking my hand in my pockets. "The game earlier. Those things I said I did... that's not me anymore. I just don't want you to think you have to change to fit my old life, because I don't want to do those things anymore" she says with tears forming in her eyes. My heart breaks and I instantly step closer to her and cup her face in my hands. "Hey don't worry. I know exactly who you are now. Those were things you've done, that doesn't shape you as a person. I understand" I say with a small reassuring smile. "Really?" She asks. "Yes. I love you" I say pulling her into a hug. I don't hear her say anything back and I look down at her and her face is as white as a ghost. "You okay?" I ask concerned. She bolts into her apartment leaving the door open and runs into her room. I follow her into her room and I see her throwing up in her toilet. I take my coat off and put it on the back of her vanity chair and go into the bathroom. I sit next to her and pull her hair up and rub her back. "Shhhh. You're okay" I say as she keeps throwing up in the toilet. "God I'm never drinking vodka again" she says with tears running down her face. I grab some toilet paper and I wipe her eyes and her mouth. "That's probably a good idea" I whisper. She gets up and flushed the toilet and goes to brush her teeth and hands. I stand up with her and wait for her to finish. "Okay lets get you in bed" I say while wrapping my arm around her waist to support her. "Will you stay?" She asks as I pull her blankets up. "Your dad will kill me" I whisper with a smile. "Very true" she says closing her eyes. "Worth a shot tho" I say winking. "Please never say shot again" she says rubbing her head. I laugh quietly and lean down to kiss her forehead. "You gonna be okay?" I ask keeping my forehead on hers. "Yeah" she whispers. I stand up and put my jacket back on and turn the light off. "Goodnight. Love you" I say before closing the door. "I love you too" she says. I smile and walk out of her apartment, headed for my house.

The next morning
I wake up to Vegas jumping on my bed and sitting on my chest. I laugh and push him off me so I can sit up and check my phone. I pull the charger out of the cord and I press the home button to see a text from Ronnie:

V: thank you for taking care of me 💕 I'll be sure to make it up to you ;) love you xoxo

I smile at the text and I click the power button, closing the message. But definitely still thinking about how she'll make it up to me.

Sorry this is late! My friends surprised me today with a movie and dinner and we stayed out later than expected. But here you go and I hope you like it, I don't really know what this was supposed to be 😂😂 Feel free to leave a request

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