More Than Life

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Just a warning this one is sad

Veronica's POV
I stand in front of our bedroom mirror and I smile. I'm officially 2 1/2 months pregnant with mine and Archie's first child. We've been trying to get pregnant for months and now it's finally happening, we're gonna be parents. My hand is on my stomach and you can't even tell that I'm pregnant, the baby is only the size of a pea. "How's our little pea doing" Archie says hugging me from behind. "Still making me sick, but good" I say holding his hands. "Not even born yet and our kid is already disobeying us" he says kissing my cheek. I turn around and face him "When are you going" I ask, not wanting him to leave for a second. "Now. I came up to say goodbye, and that I'll be back tomorrow before dinner" he says looking at me sadly. "Do you have to go" I ask laying my head down on his chest. "Yes. I'm sorry, but you have our pea here with you. You won't be alone" he says, unwrapping his arms from my waist and patting my stomach. "Our pea, although adorable, isn't the best to talk to. And I can't kiss him or her" I say as he kneels down to talk to our baby, like he did when I first told him. "Hear that, baby. Mommy wants to kiss you so you better get big and strong and then come on out, you hear me" he says quietly. I laugh and he kisses my belly then stands back up. "I have to go" he says pulling me in for a hug. I wrap my arms around him and he slowly rocks us back and forth, kissing my head. I pull away and kiss him on the lips, short but sweet. "See you tomorrow" he says walking out of our bedroom door. I put my hand on my stomach, smile and say "We'll see you tomorrow."

I wake with a jump, out of nowhere I feel pain. Everywhere. I look at the clock, 3:17. No this is is how it happens in the movies, it won't happen like this, or at all. I get another terrible cramp in my stomach and I gasp. "Please be okay little Pea. Mommy loves you. Please be okay" I repeat that as I grab my phone and dial 911, calling for an ambulance. "911 what's your emergency" the operator says. "Hello Im Veronica Lodge I'm 2 1/2 months pregnant and I need an ambulance" I say frantically with tears running down my face. "Veronica take a breath. What is happening" the operator asks. I let out a small sob and say "I- I think I might be having a miscarriage."

We arrive at the hospital and I tell the doctors we need to call my husband so he can come see me. I need him here if this is what I think it is. I'm crying in pain and they're putting an IV in my arm to lessen the pain. "Okay Veronica, we're going to do an ultra sound. This will be cold" the doctor says. "Wait my husband" I say looking at him worried. "They spoke to him. He's on his way but we need to do the ultrasound now" he says putting the gel on my stomach. I nod and close my eyes. My heart is racing and tears are threatening to spill over, already anticipating what they're about to tell me. As he moves the wand over my belly I hear the normal static of the ultrasound but no heartbeat. I choke out a small sob and the doctor pulls the wand off of my stomach. "Veronica I'm so sorry-" he says with a soft voice. "No" I say crying, cutting him off. "Your baby didn't make it. I'm so sorry for your loss" he finishes. I can feel my heart break and my life comes to a halt, my child is dead. I start to cry and the doctor gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. "Would you like to be alone till your husband gets here?" He asks softly. I can't even speak so I shake my head yes. He leaves me on the exam table, all alone, not even my pea being here to keep me company.

After 30 minutes of sobbing I have a headache and I'm officially too dehydrated to cry. So I lie on the exam table staring at the wall, emotionless. I hear a knock at the door and it cracks open and a broken down Archie walks in. He already knows, "oh Archie" I say, starting to cry again. He comes in and pulls me into a hug and I cry into his chest. He cries into the crook of my neck and we just hold each other. "I'm sorry Archie" I say, with Archie's shirt muffling my voice. He pulls away and cups my face with his hand. "This wasn't your fault. There's nothing you could've done" he says with a whisper. I start to cry more and I hang my head. "The- uh the doctor told me that the ba-baby was a g-girl" I say, barley able to say girl. "Our little girl" He murmurs as he starts to cry more and he pulls me closer, and I cry into his chest even more. "I want to go home" I say pulling away quickly. He nods his head and goes to get the doctor so they can get me a wheelchair.

As Archie pulls into our driveway we sit in complete silence. "Archie" I whisper, remembering what just happened here. "Yeah babe" he asks emotionless. "Bed sheets. They have blood on them. We have to sleep in the guest room" I say with a lump in the back of my throat. He nods and turns the ignition off and gets out of the car and then comes over to help me out. As he walks around the car I see his face, he's broken. He opens my door and takes my hands and carefully pulls me out. When I'm standing I close the door and Archie starts to walk us in the house. I pull him to me and I hold the sides of his face. He looks at me and despite all the sadness I see in his eyes I can see he still loves me, "You and I, we're gonna get through this right. Together?" I ask, scared of the days, weeks, months to come. He nods his head and says "Absolutely. You and me" he says in a whisper and he gives me a small reassuring smile. Despite it being an extremely small smile it meant something, it took all he had to smile. He'd give me all he has just to make me feel better. "I love you. More than life" I say leaning my forehead on his. He takes a deep breath and whispers back "More than life."

Well I hope you guys don't hate me too much for how sad this was 😂😭 My Christmas break is officially starting so on some days I may do multiple one shots if I have time 💕

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