Us Against the World (Part 2)

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Archie's POV
"Guys what should we get for dinner" Jughead asks sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar. "There's a Chinese restaurant a few miles back but they don't deliver. We could go pick it up if that's what you guys want" Veronica says while standing behind me and rubbing my shoulders, like she usually does so I know she's there. "Yeah Chinese sounds good" I say and Jughead and Betty agree. "Okay look at the menu and figure out what you want. I'll call in the order and Archie and I can go get it" Veronica says while handing them the menu.

"Our food is probably almost ready. I'm gonna go get my bag" Veronica says walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs. "Tell her, Archie" Jughead whispers before walking into the living room, Betty following behind. I groan and put my head in my hands. "Everything okay" Veronica asks hugging me from behind. I lift my head up and lean it on her shoulder and kiss her cheek. "Yeah. Just tired from driving. Will you?" I ask handing her the keys to my truck. "Sure" She smiles at me and takes the keys from my hand. "Onwards" She says dragging me to the door and I laugh. "Hey! Go fast we're hungry" Jughead yells. Ronnie rolls her eyes and closes the door behind us.

We're driving in a comfortable silence and I look over at Ronnie, she has both hands on the wheel focusing on the road. I look out the window and start thinking about how I'm supposed to tell her about what happened. Why are they making me tell her? It's just going to make things worse, and we're in such a good place ever since Christmas. I don't want to lose her again. She stops the car and I look up and we're outside of the Chinese restaurant. "I'll go in" I say unbuckling my seat belt. "Hey is everything okay" she asks pushing my hair back out of my face. "yeah everything is fine" I say smiling at her. She gives me a small smile back, signaling that she doesn't believe me but we'll finish this later. "Here you go. I've got today's dinner" She says handing me her card. "Thank you" I say leaning in to kiss her. She kisses back and smiles. "Go get our food" she says jokingly pushing my shoulder and I climb out of the truck.

"We have food!" Veronica says walking into the cabin. "YES!" Jughead says jumping up from the couch. We all dig in and start talking and laughing "oh crap. I have to go plug my phone in, I'll be back" Veronica says standing up. After she leaves the room Jughead looks at me "did you do it" he asks. I shake my head no "considering the fact that she's still here... nope" I say picking at my food. "Maybe it won't be that bad" he says. "It will be. Veronica won't trust me after this, that'll kill me" I say. "Well Veronica deserves to know the truth" Jughead says looking at me. "Truth about what" I turn my head quickly and I see Veronica standing in the door way, looking worried. I look back at Jughead and he mouths 'sorry' and I turn back to Veronica. "Archie" Veronica says looking at me. "I..." i stop, I don't know what to say. "V, the night that we caught the black hood I kissed Archie. It was a mistake and we are so sorry" Betty says. Veronica looks taken back and she looks at me and then to Jughead. "How long have you known" she asks. "I found out this morning" he says. "Ronnie, can we talk?" I ask her, more like beg her. She looks at me and just nods and starts walking to the stairs.

I walk into the room we're sharing and she's already on the opposite side of the room, far from my reach. "I understand a rebound after a break up, but Betty? Seriously Archie? You really twisted the knife on that one" she says angrily. "I'm sorry Ronnie" I say trying to come closer but she steps back. "I want complete honesty" she says pointing at me. "Yes. Definitely" I say. "Were you ever going to tell me" she asks. I shake my head and say "no." She's trying to hide it but she looks upset. "Why" she asks not making eye contact. "Because Ronnie, we're in such a good place. I love you, and you love me. We said it and we feel it, Betty has nothing to do with that. She kissed me. That kiss meant nothing to me, it's you and me Ronnie... Us against the world" I say pleading with her. I step forward again and she doesn't step back, so I move closer. I hold her hand and she still doesn't look at me. "Please tell me you believe me" I say quietly. I touch her chin so she looks at me, she takes a deep breath "I'm going on a walk" she says before pulling away, leaving me alone in our room.

Veronica's POV
I walk out of our room and go down the stairs. I walk through the kitchen avoiding the gazes of Jughead and Betty and I go right to the front door. "V" Betty calls after me but I already close the front door. The sun is still up lighting the path I'm walking on but it's still dark enough to know I can't stay out too long. I sigh and keep walking up the hill I always walk on when I come here with my family. I get to the top and I sit down. Betty knew I loved Archie when she kissed him and Archie knew that I used to worry about his feelings toward Betty. Out of everyone in this town to kiss of course they picked each other. I look over the lake and I begin to miss Archie, not in a sexual way but just having him next to me makes me feel so much better. I look down at the path I came up from and I see lights from the house in the distance. I stand up and begin to walk back.

Archie's POV
I'm still in our room lying across the bed staring at the ceiling. I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have let her go, it's getting dark she might get hurt. I stand up and grab my jacket and quickly swing the door open and rush out, but I run into Ronnie. "Ow, arch" she says putting her hands on my arms. "Oh sorry" I say steadying her with my arms. She looks up at me and sees the coat in my hands, "going somewhere?" She asks. I look at the coat "i was uh, going to look for you" I say. She walks into our room and takes her jacket off "I've been coming here since I was 5 Arch, you'd get lost" she says sitting down on the chair to take her shoes off. "Can we talk" I ask sitting down on the ottoman in front of the bed. She looks up at me and gives me a sympathetic smile. She stands up and walks over to me and sits across my lap wrapping her arms around my neck. I wrap my arms around her and lean my head into her neck. "I believe you" she says into my hair. I sigh with relief and pull her closer, never wanting to let go. "I love you" I say looking up at her. She puts her hands on either side of my face, smiles and says "I love you too."

This is the last part of "Us Against the World". Hope you like it. I'll probably update again today, I have nothing else to do 😂

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