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*Mikey's pov*

     Today is Friday. Gerard still hasn't woke up yet. Ray came over this morning before school. He told me everything that was happening. He told me Frank was on trial for killing Gerard. His trial date was set for this Wednesday.

     Once he left, I went down to get food. When I got to the cafeteria floor, I walked out of the elevator. I started to walk into the cafeteria when someone called my name. I stopped and turned around. Mr. Grayson walked up to me. He asked if he could please talk to me. I said yes. He then said, "Your brother, Gerard. I think he might be in a coma. He should have woke from his comatose state on Tuesday night. Today Is Friday Mikey."

I told him Ok. He then walked away from me and walked down The hall. I turned around and went back to the elevator. I pushed the button for the second floor. Once the door reopened, I ran down the hall back to Gerard's room. I shut his and began crying. I didn't calm back down until about 11:30. Mom had got off at 11, so I asked her if I could go to school. She said ok. When she got to the hospital, I was waiting outside for her. I got in the car and buckled up. She looked at me, then she started the car and drived to school. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket.

     Hey Mikey how Gerard doing

  I'll tell you when I get to school

     Your coming to school?

  Ya, be there in a couple minutes

     I put phone back in my pocket and smiled. My mom looked at me and said, " Your talking to that Ray kid aren't you?"

     I smiled and said, "Ya, I really like him but he's straight. Plus I couldn't come out. You see what happened to Gerard."

     "I understand sweetie, they were so rough on your brother. No wonder he tried to kill himself."

     "I know mom, I know."

     She pulled in front of the school and I jumped out. Once I got inside, I went straight  to the office. I asked the secretary if I could go talk to the principal. She said, "Go take a seat and he will call you in."

     I walked over and sat in the chair farthest from her desk. I sat down and pulled out my phone. J hadn't got no more messages from Ray. I heard my name be called and I stood up. I walked into Mr. Davidson's office and sat down in the small chair opposite of him.  He then said," It's nice to see you again Mikey, how are you doing?"

     I awnsered him, "Not that well, but I was wondering if I could speak to the whole high school about Gerard today."

     "Well, I can get everyone out during ninth period so you would have all of tenth to talk to them. Does that work?"

     "Ya  that works thank you Mr. Davidson"

     "Your welcome, now get to you sixth period class."

     I stood up and walked out of the office. I walked down the hall to the cafeteria. When I walked in, I spotted Ray. It's sorta hard to miss him. He's the only Sophomore with an afro. Heck, I think he might be the only one in the entire school with one. I walked up to him and sat down. He noticed me and quickly hugged me before going back to eating his lunch again. Once he started to eat again he said, "How's Gerard doing today mikey?"

     "H-he-he's in a coma."

     "Are you serious Mikes?"

      Ya, that's what the doctor told me this morning right after you left."

     "I'm so sorry Mikey."

     Ray then hugged me as I started to cry. I wrapped my arms  around ray and sat my head on his chest. I started to feel his shirt get wet. I sat up and said, "I'm sorry Ray."

     "Its ok Mikey."

     "No it's not ray. I'm sorry for crying it's just......"

     I got cut off by Ray's lips touching mine. I slowly kissed him back. He then pulled away from me. He hurried up and walked away. I stood up and went to my locker. The bell rang as I got there. I grabbed my books and walked to my seventh period class. When I got got there, no one was in the class. I went back and sat down in my seat. Everyone started to file in. Someone threw a piece of paper on my desk. I picked it up and started to read it.

     Dear mikey
               I'm sorry I ran away. I shouldn't have kissed you. I just wanted to make you happy. If you don't want to talk to me you don't have to anymore. I'm sorry Mikey I'll leave you alone now.
                                       From, Ray <3

     I stuck the note in my pocket as class started.

     At the end of class, everyone left the class as I stayed behind. Ray tried to walk past me. I grabbed his arm and told him to stay behind. The teacher walked out and He looked at me. I put both my hands onto his cheeks. I then leaned in and kissed him softly. He looked at me then kissed me back. I closed my eyes and moved my hands onto his neck. He put both my hands onto my waist and pulled me closer to him. When we broke our kiss we were both panting. He sat his forehead lightly on mine. He looked into my eyes and said, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

     I immediately said, "Yes, but we can't tell anyone ok. I don't want to get hurt like Gerard."

     "Ok, that's fine. I just really want to  date you."

     "We need to get to class now."

     I quickly kissed him one more time.  I then walked out of the empty classroom. I ran down to the art room.  When I walked into the class, the teacher looked at me and told me to sit down. I walked over and sat down beside Bob. The teacher told us to draw our emotions today. I quickly drew a picture Gerard. He was laying in his hospital bed. Bob looked over and saw it. I quickly put the picture away. I then started to draw another picture. At the end of class I realized it was a picture of me and Ray kissing. The principal then got onto the intercom and told everyone to go to our lockers, then go to the gym. Everyone got up and went to our lockers. Ray walked up to my locker an stood up against the lockers. I put my books in my locker, then I handed Ray the picture I drew. He looked at me and smiled. He then hugged me quickly and kissed me on the cheek. We walked side by side down the hall talking. Once we walked into the gym, he went and sat in the bleachers while I stood on the floor. Once all the kids were in the gym, the principal spoke, "Hello students. Today we have one of your fellow  class members here. He would like to talk to you all. So here is Mikey Way."

     I then walked forward. I took the microphone from the principal and began to speak. "Hello everyone, I have come here to talk about my big brother. As you all know....... h-he tried to kill himself on Tuesday. The doctors were barely able to save him. The doctor also told me this morning  that he is in a coma. I guess him being in a coma would be better than him being dead right? Well not really. Because of some people at this school, I almost Lost my brother and one of my only friends. Now those who picked on him and bullied him know who you are. Even one of the top of you guys are going to jail.  so I would like to say, don't pick on people because of their sexuality, gender, color of skin or how much they weight. Because 2 out of 4 of those are the reasons my brother could die. Thank you."

     I sat the microphone down and everyone began to clap. I hurried up and ran out of the room. I ran to my locker and got the picture I drew, then I ran to the Art room. Once I got in the room, I started crying. I slid down the wall till I was on the floor. I pulled my knees up to my chest and laid my head down. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Ray standing there with a weak smile on his lips. He sat down and on the floor and pulled me into his lap. I laid my head on his chest as I cried on him. I listened to his heart beat. We sat there for the rest of the day.

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