Filler 005: The Creation of the Box

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The enemy's eyes widen in shock as he was now surrounded by darkness. "W-Where am I?" he asked. "In a box," Naruto's voice chimed in and echoed off through the abyss. Outside, Naruto stood by Ibiki. "Come to think of it, how did you create such a thing?"

|Flashback: Naruto – Age Four|

"Naruto, what are you doing?" Naruto glance up from his work to spot his brother figure frowning down at him. "Hm, some ideas I had for new jutsus, Daihi-niisan." Daihi took a glance at his work and frown even deeper, "What is this? A box?"

"What? No! That's a person!"

"Why is he drawn like a box?"

"I was trying to mimic Akimichi's Expansion Jutsu with the Inuzuka's Fang Over Fang," Naruto paused when he took notice Daihi's expression. "It shows nothing of that, does it?"

"Sorry Naruto, but no."

"Damn it!" Kurama merely laughed at his poor excuse of artistic skills before cutting through the conversation, 'I want to see these jutsus together. Going by the photo—pft—should be interesting.'

'Shut up! I suck at drawing! I'm only four so I'm allowed to suck at it!'

Kurama merely laughed even louder causing Naruto to pout. Daihi caught his pout and merely let out a soft chuckle, "Listen Naruto, how about I help you draw your jutsu? That way, you have some idea on how to do it?"

|Pause Flashback: Earlier|

Fire cracked in the middle of a cold night, all the rookies and their teachers sat around the fire to keep warm. "Where's Naruto?" the pinkette asked the members of Naruto's team. The oldest, Chi Taisuke, simply answered her question, "He had another mission to do." Everyone, but the Akuma Team, looked confused. "Hokage-sama said this mission is important that is why she placed us all in this mission," the leader of Team Eight, Yūhi Kurenai, said.

"But the one Naruto-sensei got assigned to was more important and he can't have a group of twenty following him. So, he went alone," Nakahara Tsukimi, the only girl of Team Akuma, commented. The leader of Team Seven, Hatake Kakashi, frowned, "What's his mission?" Otake Jin, the resident idiot of the team, took on a serious expression and answered, "Infiltrate the base of the Akatsuki."

"What alone?!" Sarutobi Asuma, leader of Team Nine, shouted after a minute of an intense shocked silence. Kazahana Pyro, the last member of Team Akuma, nodded, "Naruto-sensei was the only one capable of the job. He didn't want anyone to go alone and come back hurt, badly injured, in the brink of death, or dead at the Akatsuki base."

Everyone got quiet, till the blonde girl of the group broke the silence, "Hey—I have a question to ask you guys." Everyone turned to look at her, but her blue eyes were directed to the Akuma Team. "What is it?" Tsukimi asked with a curious gaze. "What's the box?" Sasuke blurted out. Team Akuma and Kiba instantly paled and shivered in fear. The look-a-like pipped in, "Please tell us about this youthful box."

Pyro was the first to snapped out of it, "It's anything but youthful Lee. It's horrible," he answered. Tsukimi then commented in a low voice;

"It's a torture base jutsu."

Everyone, but Team Akuma and Kiba, were shocked, "Torture jutsu?! He put you through torture?!" Kurenai asked livid. Tsukimi shakes her head, "No. We are children, Naruto-sensei told us that his jutsu is used to gather information and torture the enemies and not to be used against comrades as a torture method. He uses it on us for punishment when we get out of hand or start fighting," she pauses. Taisuke then picks up for her, "In the box," his teammates and Kiba shivered in slight fear, "Whoever gets sent there is tied up and showed all the embarrassing things they ever do and live it. It's really embarrassing." Taisuke, his teammates and Kiba all had red tints on their faces.

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