Chapter 28

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Connor’s POV

 Sitting in the back of that black, stretch limousine my mind began to wonder over things.  I wanted to know why whoever was responsible for all the things that had happened was doing this.  What was their motive?  What were they rewarded if the job was accomplished?  I wanted to know why I had to constantly live in fear.

“I want to confront him.” 

“Confront who?”

“My mother, I want to know why he did it.” 

“Connor I don’t think that’s a good idea.  It’s a terrible idea actually.  We should go to –“ 

“I want to see him, I want to look him in the eye and ask him why he hates me so much.”

“Your father doesn’t hate you,” my mother shook her head dismissing the idea.

“No, he definitely hates me.  He wouldn’t be trying to kill me if he didn’t hate me.”

She turned silent her eyes glaring ahead at the soft carpet at our feet.  I understood that she had once loved that man, but he was evil and she had to come to terms with that.  My father was an evil man and I just wanted to know what made him that way. 

“You should call Jennifer and check up on her,” My mother suggests turning towards the window. The car was filled with silence as we both stared out of our windows at our surroundings.  England.  The country that I was so very proud of, the country that I was born to run.  My kingdom.  Or so I would have thought three years ago. I would have thought England was my home, my kingdom, but now I had realized where my home really was.  It was with Jennifer.

Pulling out my cellphone I dialed her number focusing on the large stone buildings that passed us by.  I was calling Jennifer for one reason and that was because I missed her. I loved her so much it was becoming obscene.  It reminded me of one of those awful romance movies that Jennifer frequently gagged at.  She was truly one of a kind and that’s something that I admired about her.  She didn’t fit the common mode, instead she was quite different.

The phone rung twice before she picked up her angelic voice echoed through the phone giving me goose bumps and making my heart pound frantically.

At a younger age I expected things to be different.  I was a lady’s man and extremely promiscuous.  I never imagined in a million years that I would meet a woman that I care about so fondly.  Although, I did think those things of Caitlyn once upon a time, things with Jennifer were different.  Everything with Caitlyn had been fake, but with Jennifer you can’t fake what we have. It was quick, it was unusual and it was amazing. 

“Connor. Connor!”  She repeated trying to grab my attention.  My mind snapped back into reality and I realized that I had the phone held up to my ear and Jennifer was yelling my name over and over trying to get my attention. 

“I’m sorry,” I apologize, furrowing my brows as I stared out of the window.   

“It’s fine.”  She was silent for a moment, probably wondering what I had been thinking about.  “What were you thinking about?”  I was beginning to think that I knew her entirely too well.

“Nothing –“I start but stop.  “Actually, I’ve been thinking a lot about us and how everything had changed so fast.  From us simply sleeping together to me falling head over heels in love with you.  It always sounds so unreal, like this sort of thing never happens. “ 

“I understand what you’re saying completely.  It feels sort of like a fairy tale.”

“Or a romance novel,” I offer her a more realistic way to describe what we have. I felt like I was in a twilight movie and as sickening as that sounded I enjoyed it.  I enjoyed being lovey dovey and being one of those people.  I enjoyed loving Jennifer.

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