Some Things You Need to Know

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Hello everyone!
Thanks for clicking on my story!
This is just a quick intro so everyone is on the same page. Here are a few things you need to know before you read Mint Green With Envy...

1. Each chapter has music to go with it. You can listen to it or not, your choice.

2. This follows Another story so if you don't want to have it spoiled, probably don't read.

3. Mc (main character) is in this story but don't get her confused with (Y/n). You are (Y/n), Mc is a different character.
So Mc, is Mc, and
(Y/n) is YOU!!!!

4. Trigger warning
Some of the events in the books may be triggering to some.
Most of these events happen later in the book, and will have their own warnings but there may be some smaller things here and there that I didn't pick up on that may trigger people.
Please proceed with caution!

5. This book as been a work in progress over the past 3 years so you'll probably notice the writing style evolve as you get further and further into the story. I am actively trying to update older chapters to fit my currently style of writing.
Just be aware that some chapters may be less well written then others!

And that's really it.

I hope you enjoy reading Mint Green With Envy!

Mint Green With Envy (Ray!Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now