32: The Wolves

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" someday my pain
someday my pain will mark you
harness your blame
harness your blame, walk through "

I stepped into the map room and all heads turned my way. Some faces were much more shocked than others. Before anyone could speak, Daenerys had me by the arm and was dragging me back into the throne room. "I thought we were past all the secret keeping, Rhaenyra." My eyes widened as I searched for any secrets I'd been keeping. "Jon Snow? The King in the North? Tyrion says you know him."

My brows furrowed. "I told you, didn't I?" She shook her head. I frowned. It had become all too hard to keep up with who knew what. Between my Queensguard, Jon and Sansa, and Daenerys, there were just so many people to keep in the loop. "Look at the map, I put the pieces down the other day. Everyone's there, Dany. I didn't intend to keep anything from you. It felt like something everyone already knew. It isn't as if we've ever had a free moment to sit down and discuss our love lives in immense detail."

I watched a quick procession of emotions happen on her face. Had I really never mentioned Jon at all? She knew about Robb, Catelyn, Sansa...but I'd never brought him up. How do you explain to someone you hardly know that you're in love with a man you shouldn't be? "Let's go back in there so I can explain what we have so far. That's the entire reason I came today."

Her face softened finally. Surely there were things she hadn't told me either. We didn't keep secrets out of spite; it was just that we hardly saw each other. It seemed like every time we did, it was in the middle of something outrageous. There wasn't a lot of time to have a heart to heart when you were burning people alive with dragon fire.

She linked her arm through mine and we walked back into the room. Theon waved at me from the corner and I smiled back. "Alright, so, a few things have changed since I set this up." I pushed the singular Tully fish from Winterfell toward Castle Darry. "Missandei, hand me another one of these, please." She nodded and fetched another, which I placed at Seaguard. "I've sent Rivermen south to reclaim their lands. In a few weeks time there will be a new Lord Paramount who is allied with us. With the Freys gone, and the Lannisters too busy trying to clean up that mess, it shouldn't be a difficult transition."

Tyrion and Daenerys glanced over the map. "Who did you send?" She asked, her question wasn't demanding, only curious.

I tapped the fish closer toward the castle; I only used it because there weren't any plowman figurines. "Lyman Darry, his uncle actually-"

"Willem Darry?" She asked, wide eyed. "He took us to Braavos, he kept me safe." She turned toward the window, hiding the emotion from the rest of the room. I joined her, touching her arm lightly. "Ser Willem was a good man. If your man is anything like him...I'm sure you made a good choice trusting him, Nyra."

I turned back to the table, giving Daenerys a moment to compose herself. "I've also sent my Lord Commander to the Reach." I paused, eyes flicking up to Lady Olenna, who regarded me with a neutral expression. "His brother, Lord Caswell, controls Bitterbridge and thus the Roseroad."

"Do you mean to keep the Lannisters out, or keep our traders in?" Olenna asked.

"Both. Safety for the Reach, and a quiet embargo on the Crownlands. It's a win, whichever way you look at it." I shrugged. "The Reach borders four other regions, trade will not suffer because one road is blocked." Missandei placed a Tyrell rose on Bitterbridge. I tapped Old Oak as well, and she added another. Olenna's look of disapproval did not escape my notice.

"It's a good plan," Tyrion noted. "With the Reach changing loyalties so many times, it's important we show strength there."

"I trust my sister's judgment," Daenerys said, finally turning back around. "Now, it appears we've both set our plans into motion. Olenna, may I speak with you alone for a moment."

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