8: Glory And Gore

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" delicate in every way but one -- the swordplay
god knows we like archaic kinds of fun -- the old way

"We can still turn back my grace. Make camp and wait on Lord Bolton's men to reach us," Ser Aylward told me, as he rode up next to me. "They will be here within the week."

"No, I will ride into Winterfell and I will bring Bran and Rickon away from that place." I paused, "Without the Bolton men." I kicked Myst and she galloped on towards Winterfell. Ser Aylward's black horse followed closely, never letting me get too far ahead. The gates were surprisingly unmanned. I rode entirely into the courtyard before there were men in front of us, with swords drawn. I pulled three knives from the belt on my saddle. I flung them into the skulls of the Greyjoy men before Alyward even had the chance to draw his sword. I twirled two more knives as I located Theon across the courtyard. "You decide where these go."

"Amina," he addressed me.

"I believe it would be more appropriate for you to address me by my title, Lord Greyjoy."

"And what might that be?" He asked humoring me.

"Amina Stark, Queen in the North."

That caught him off guard, his façade slipped for a moment. "I should have your head, Queen," he said recovering.

"You could try, but I'll plant one of these lovely little blades in your skull before you get the chance to take a step. Do you really think your men will defend a dead lord?" I asked.

"I am Prince Greyjoy now," he said defensively.

I actually laughed then. "Look at you playing dress up, Theon. Remember when I used to braid your hair, you did have lovely hair, like a little girl." I believe a few of his men actually snorted at that. The teasing was unnecessary but I was angry. I would not kill him, but I wasn't above humiliation. He hated to be humiliated more than anything. "Tell me, Lord Greyjoy, has your father sent men to help you? Or a letter to say they're on their way?" He broke eye contact. "That's what I thought."

"You think a lone knight will protect you?" He asked, focusing the conversation back on me. "I have many men without knives in their skulls."

"I have more where those came from," I said narrowing my eyes. "I am the first and last Winterfell, blood of Old Valyria, raised by House Stark and now Queen in the North. You honestly want to test my power?"

He was silent and we stared each other down waiting to see who would break first. "I need to speak with Amina," Theon said glancing at his men. "Alone." I dismounted and took my time sliding the knife belt from my saddle and around my waist. I handed Myst's reins to Aylward. Then I followed Theon through the castle and up to the second floor. I knew which room Theon had taken before we even made it to the hall. "You're staying in Robb's room? How cute."

"Drop the act Amina, we're alone. I brought you up here so we could talk."

"Where are Bran and Rickon?" I asked.

"You're too late," He said. "They're gone."

"Gone," I repeated. He opened his mouth, but I spoke over him. "How could you do such a thing, Theon? I know why, you've always wanted to belong. You've always hoped you could make your father love you. But how could you kill two innocent children? I understand how could hate Ned, even Catelyn. But Bran and Rickon did nothing to do." My rage was so cold, so dark, I was sure he could see it in my eyes.


"No. I changed my mind. I don't want to hear your excuses. Theon you are the closest thing I ever had to a brother, you were my friend. I thought you felt the same way, I know you did."

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