18: Navigate

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" time and tide wait for no man "

The door to my room was flung open and I jumped. I turned to see Jaime standing in the doorway. "You could have just knocked."

He closed the door behind him and walked towards me. "You are not safe here anymore. You must leave at once."

"I cannot just leave, there's nowhere for me to go."

"The Tyrells know who you are, if the trial doesn't go their way they will toss the blame on you. My sister believes Tyrion and Sansa murdered Joffrey. If she knew the Queen in the North was at court, she'd have your head too."

"Margaery would never turn me in."

"Maybe, but can you say the same for Olenna?" He asked. "Look at you, they have their claws in you, or should I say their thorns."

"What would you have me do, Jaime? Go North? Sail across the Narrow Sea? Neither of those options will get me what I want."

He shook his head. "I have a better idea. Come with me." He pulled me from my room and down the hall. He led me to another chamber and knocked. When the door didn't open right away he knocked again, impatiently.

Oberyn Martell opened the door shirtless. "You are interrupting, Ser."

"This is the girl I want you to meet," Jaime told him.

"We've met," Oberyn and I said at the same time.

"It is good to see you again," Oberyn added, smiling at me.

"You met Desmera Redwyne, but I would like you to meet Amina Stark."

I could see Ellaria on the bed behind Oberyn. She leaned up on her elbows and took a look at me. "Let them in, my love." Oberyn stepped aside and Jaime lightly pushed me into the room. "This is the Queen in the North?" Ellaria asked.

I nodded. "Yes, I suppose I did a nice job posing as a southern girl."

"While I will admit that is interesting," Oberyn said. "I do not see why that was so pressing."

"Amina has a plethora of disguises," Jaime said. "Like an onion, peel back one layer and another is revealed. Shall we reveal the next layer?" He asked me. I raised my eyebrow, unsure where he was going with this.

"Turns out I'm not just Queen in the North." Jaime nodded for me to continue. "I am also heir to the Seven Kingdoms. My name is Amina Targaryen."

"But the last Targaryens are across the Narrow Sea."

"My sister is there, she's working on gathering an army to conquer Westeros. But I was not with her when she and my brother were smuggled east. I was here with my father. It was here that Ned Stark found me and took me in. For years I have been forced to hide my identity. But in a few days, another bastard boy will take the throne and all but one of the Seven Kings is dead or defeated. Now is the time for me to reveal myself."

"And the Martells have always supported the Targaryens," Jaime added. "You must take Amina from King's Landing as quickly as possible."

Ellaria and Oberyn shared a look. After a tense moment, Oberyn turned back to us and nodded. "You have my protection, Princess."

Confidence had kicked in as soon as I realized what Jaime was planning. But my relief at the Prince's acceptance was still great. I hugged him and he hugged me back. "You have no idea how amazing it feels to tell someone the truth."

"Ellaria and I knew we liked you from the moment you sat at our table."

"I'm sure you all will have things to discuss and arrangements to make," Jaime said. "I will leave you alone."

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