5: Premonitions

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" with all our fate, hearts broken from the start "

I was in a large city with bright, vivid colors and fruit filled trees. I didn't recognize anyone and no one seemed to know me either, it felt nice to be anonymous. I wandered the streets of the beautiful city. I had no idea where I was going, but I wanted to explore. I ended up in a garden of sorts and sat down. There were still people all around, but it seemed peaceful here.

Then I heard a voice coming through the trees, the voice was extremely familiar, but I couldn't place it. A girl stepped through the trees followed by a older blonde man. The girl stared at me and I stared back, neither of us saying anything.

"Your face," I said. It was almost like looking in a mirror. Where my features were sharp lines, here's were softer. But there was no mistaking how similar we looked.

"Who are you?" She asked quickly.

"Amina Winterfell."

"I am Daenerys Stormborn of house Targaryen." She rolled her shoulders back, looking confident and proud.

"That's impossible. Every last Targaryen was killed." I paused then added, "All but me."

She stepped toward me. "But your hair?" She grabbed a handful of my hair, giving it a distasteful look.

"It's dyed. No one in Westeros has silver hair, except Targaryens. And Targaryens are supposed to be dead. How did you escape?"

"I was a baby, I don't remember. My brother, Viserys-"

"A brother, is he alive too?" I asked.

"No, he died."


Daenerys turned to the man who had been walking with her. "Is there any possibility she could be who she says she is?"

"I do believe you had a sister, Khaleesi. But she-"

I was suddenly yanked from the garden, before I could hear the rest of his words.


When I sat up, I was in my comfortable Storm's End bed once more. Margaery was sitting at the foot, bouncing slightly.

"What are you doing up this early?" I asked.

"What are you doing up this late? The sun is nearly at its highest point."

"Oh!" I jumped out of bed.

"You missed Stannis coming into town. He was just as lovely and charming as ever," she said sarcastically. "Oh, this came for you while you were asleep." She handed me a letter.

It was a letter inside a letter. The first being from Robb, telling me that he missed me, and that this letter had come for me at Riverrun. The second letter in question was from Jon. I read it quickly. It was dated months ago, at the time he'd sent it, he'd been days from heading beyond the Wall. I sighed, whatever I had expected, this wasn't it. I knew I shouldn't have expected much, Jon knew many eyes would read his letter before it reached me. "Where's Catelyn?"

"In her chambers. Aren't you at least going to tell me who they were from?"

"It doesn't matter. It isn't important anymore."

I left Margaery in my room, and went down the hall to Catelyn's. "Come in!" She called when I knocked on the door. I walked into the room. "Amina, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I had a strange dream last night."

"Tell me about it," she told me. She steered me to a chair by the fireplace, and sat across from me.

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