24: Devil Inside

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" words as weapons, sharper than knives
makes you wonder how the other half died

For weeks I met with Dornish lords. It was now on my shoulders to secure my own alliances. Beyond that, the lords were concerned about Ellaria's leadership. It fell on me to reassure them that nothing had changed. In reality, everything had changed. But it was not my place to save House Martell.

My hair was almost entirely silver now, my new handmaidens saw to that. No lords questioned me about my lineage. I assume Doran must have told them already. I knew rumors would spread, but that was my hope. It was time I made my claim. I had waited years for this.

On a rare day of relaxation, I removed my dragonglass candle from its case. I had hardly used it since seeing Jon's body. But I needed to understand how it worked. It could be a huge advantage for me going forward. I had learned how to speak to others through it, but my research had shown it had more uses. It could peer into the minds of others, and also allow you to simply see over large distances.

I felt a bit uncomfortable with looking into a person's mind. I was not sure I was ready to invade someone's privacy like that without good cause. However I was not above spying. So I took the day to practice viewing others through the flame.

First I checked on others in the Water Garden. Aylward was with a pretty Dornish girl, drinking wine. I wasn't sure if I'd ever seen him smile quite this much. Feeling like an intruder, I left quickly. Next I checked on Ellaria, she was with the Sand Snakes, watching as her daughter sparred with the other two.

As I watched them, Daenerys came to mind. It had been nearly two years since I'd spoken to my sister. I had heard rumors about the dragon queen and her loose hold on her city. There had been riots, maybe even a civil war. The Westerosi nobility were discrediting her ability to lead. I had to admit, I agreed with them. Three dragons did not a Queen make.

The blinding dragonglass light took me to another scene. When the light faded, I was outside at night. The city was unfamiliar to me. It almost looked like a large campsite. Directly in front of me, the largest building was in flames. Thousands surrounded it, screaming and shouting. Then as the building began to collapse in on itself, my sister stepped from the flames. Her clothing had been burned away, but she was unharmed.

She had told me of the time she hatched her dragon eggs in her husband's funeral pyre. It had seemed impossible, but now here she was once again, the unburnt.

I let go of the candle and blinked the spots out of my vision. Aylward was standing next to me. "Ellaria gave me this, it's for you." I took the message and began to unroll it.

"Will you hand me the candle by my bed?" I asked him instead. He gave me a curious look, but brought it to me anyway. I sat down the message for a moment, and took the candle. I bit my lip and then held the flame to my wrist.

"Your grace-"

"Shh." I stared intently at the flame for a moment. I felt no pain. I held it closer, staring at it, willing it to burn my skin. Aylward finally pulled the candle from my hand. I turned my wrist over so he could see. It wasn't even red. Maybe the Red Priestess hadn't seen my sister in her flames after all.

I reached for the message and unrolled it. "Brynden has taken Riverrun back from the Freys. This is great news. He will back my claim. I am sure the Riverlands will rally behind him. No one likes the Freys, but everyone respects Brynden."

Aylward was still staring at my wrist. I snapped my fingers at him. "We ride for Riverrun in three days."

"What about Ellaria?" He asked.

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