15: Run Boy Run

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" tomorrow is another day
and you won't have to hide away

With all the traveling, it seemed I barely had a moment to rest. When I did get to sleep, it was dreamless. But I wasn't worried, Daenerys had her army to protect her. She would be all right on her own until Edmure's wedding had passed.

Catelyn, Robb and I stood, looking at the war map. Robb pushed the direwolf symbols, signifying our armies, across the table. They surrounded the lion symbols at Casterly Rock. "Can you imagine?" I whispered.

"If we take Tywinn's home, we will show Westeros he isn't invincible," Robb said.

"If we can do that, we might draw more men to our side," I added.

"Are you sure about this?" Catelyn asked. "It's dangerous."

"You told me not to send Theon to negotiate with his father, he proved you right. The North is in shambles. Bran and Rickon are gone. I am asking for your advice," he said to her.

"Do we have the army for it?" She asked.

"If the Freys cooperate," I told her.

She nodded and looked at the map intently. "If the Lannisters send more men to Casterly Rock, we'll be trapped."

"They won't know we're coming. They'll have no reason to take a chunk of their army away from the war," I told her.

"The two of you will stay in Riverrun," Robb told us.

"We will do no such thing," Catelyn and I said at once.

After a moment of staring at us, waiting for us to see the light, he nodded. "At least we'll plan an escape for you. I'll have Aylward briefed on it as soon as possible."

Catelyn nodded. "Show them what it feels like to lose what they love."


When we arrived at the Twins, we were brought inside to meet Walder Frey. Our first meeting felt like it had been ages ago. Walder still looked as ancient as ever. I wondered if maybe he had fossilized, that would explain his preserved appearance.

"I welcome you all into my home and to my table," Walder said. He introduced some of his daughters and granddaughters to us. There were too many for me to remember. I probably could have said anything that started with "Wald-" and gotten it half right. No one could call him original, but once you were that old you probably stopped caring.

"It is my pleasure to meet each of you," Robb said.

Walder's eyes fell on me. "Ah, the new Queen in the North. Come here let me look at you." He motioned me towards him and I took a few steps in his direction. "Certainly prettier than this lot," he mumbled.

"Thank you for having us," I said.

"Thank you for agreeing to my terms," he said. He winked. He stood and I returned to Robb's side. "Now, let's get on with it."


That night it seemed King's Landing would be able to hear the festivities at The Twins. Outside our soldiers were taking the break between battles to drink and socialize.

The mood inside was more somber. Edmure waited for Walder to walk Roslin to him. We had yet to catch a glimpse of the bride to be, I could tell Edmure was more than nervous about it. The girl reached the steps and knelt before him, finally her head was uncovered. Without even seeing her face I could tell she must be pretty. Edmure's eyes widened in surprise and he smiled.

Edmure helped her to her feet. "You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection," the priest said. It was a wedding in the style of the Seven, something I had never seen before. It was odd that my ancestors had followed this religion yet I knew so little about it.

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