13: Castle

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" if you wanna break these walls down
you're gonna get bruised

I arrived in Astapor just in time for the transaction between the slave owner and my sister. Missandei was translating for Kraznys, he explained that the soldiers were untested. Several people startled when I appeared in the crowd. I pushed my way forwards and joined Daenerys. "I was beginning to think you weren't going to make it," she said.

"Late night war planning sessions, you know how those are," I said. She walked forward and unlatched the cage holding Drogon. I stepped aside and stood in front of Jorah and Ser Barristan. Neither of the men looked particularly thrilled. I assumed my sister had still not clued them in on her plan. She hadn't told me either, but I knew she would never truly give away one of our dragons.

She presented Drogon to the slave master and he handed her the whip. She turned and walked toward the fleet of Unsullied. She began speaking in Valyrian. I looked to Jorah, who seemed just as surprised as I was. Missandei pressed her lips together in a smug smile. Drogon let out a loud screech and spit fire on Kraznys. Chaos erupted around us. The Unsullied were killing the slave masters as they attempted to flee. My sister stood in the middle, stoic as she watched.

When the screams ceased, and the dust settled, Daenerys grabbed my arm. She led me through the rows of Unsullied. She didn't say anything. I took a moment to look at the men. They were stronger and faster than any soldier I had seen before. Daenerys climbed on her horse, and then offered me a hand to pull me up behind her.

I did not understand what she said to the soldiers, but I didn't need to. The Unsullied beat their spears into the ground. My sister had her army, and no one would be able to stand in her way.


I woke up to Aylward, once again, shaking my shoulders. "What is it?"

"The Lannister boys, they were murdered." Two distant cousins of Tywin had been prisoners at Riverrun.

"By who?"

"Lord Karstark and a few of his men. Robb is having them brought up as we speak."

I got up and dressed quickly. My chambers were just off the meeting room. When I opened the door, I saw the boys on the ground. "Gods, they were only children."

"They were vengeance," Lord Karstark snapped as he was brought forward.

"For what? They caused no deaths."

"It took five men to murder two unarmed boys," Robb said. "Look at what you've done."

"Tell your mother to look at them, she's the reason they are dead."

"Catelyn made a mistake, you knew precisely what you were doing," I said.

"In war we kill our enemies. You need that lesson as well as her. You had a chance to kill Theon Greyjoy, but you left and he burned Winterfell to the ground. How does it feel to know you are the reason your home is gone?"

"You know nothing of me, Lord Karstark. Do not pretend you do."

"You are not a Northerner. I will have no Southern whore as my queen." He spit at my feet. I slapped him. No one spoke.

"I may not have the blood of the First Men in my veins, but I am no Southerner. I am the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, and I will take what is mine." I almost finished the sentence with by fire and blood, out loud.

"Maybe you are, but you'll have a hard time getting to the Iron Throne if your husband loses the North first." Karstark smirked.

"Hang them all," Robb said. "Except Lord Karstark, escort him to the dungeon."

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