16: Biting Down

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" breathed so deep I thought I'd drown "

"How many people saw you come up here?" Margaery asked.

"Six, maybe seven," Aylward answered for me.

"Anyone important?" She asked. Aylward shook his head. "Good, let's get you changed quickly and I will have these clothes disposed of." She reached into her closet and pulled out a dress, like one I'd worn in Storm's End. "You need to blend in at court, you don't look like someone from Highgarden."

Aylward stepped into the hall while Margaery helped me into my new dress. "When can I see my sister?" I asked.

"Sansa? Soon," Margaery assured me. "She goes down to Godswood every day. My ladies have been instructed to watch her and report to me when she is on her way there."

"There is a Godswood here?" I asked.

"What's left of one, at least." Margaery sat me down at her vanity and combed through my hair.

I was silent for a minute, but I was anxious to see Sansa. "How long do you think she'll be?"

"Soon," she repeated. "Your hair is a mess, at least let me get some of these knots out while we wait." She pulled sharply on my hair. "That was a twig, it's like you've been living in the woods."

"I was."

We locked eyes in the mirror and she nodded apologetically. "Right, I'll just..."she ran her comb through my hair again and it didn't pull as much this time. "It isn't all bad, just that one spot."

"How is she?" I asked.

"She's alive, that is the most important thing," Margaery told me. "I'm not sure you heard, there's something you should know-"

There was a knock on the door. "My lady?" A girl called from outside.

"Come in," Margaery called back.

The girl came in and curtsied quickly. "Forgive me for interrupting, but you told us to tell you when Sansa went to the Godswood. She's just gone."

I stood up quickly. Margaery shot me a look before turning back to the girl. "Very good, please escort my cousin to her."

"Desmera Redwyne," I told the girl. She curtsied again nervously, I wanted to laugh, but I thought that might be rude.

"This way, my lady." I followed her into the hall where Aylward was still standing.

"I won't be long," I told him. He nodded. The girl and I wound though the building before emerging in the gardens. She took me to one end of the gardens overlooking the river and pointed down stairs.

"The Godswood is down there. May I help you with anything else?"

"No, thank you." She nodded before hurrying off. I turned towards the stairs and descended slowly. Part of me was terrified that I would be too late and Sansa would be gone, but when I reached the bottom there she was. "I haven't been to a Godswood in months, you were always more diligent than I. Some things never change."

She shifted slightly and pressed her eyes together tighter. Just when I was about to speak again, her eyes flew open in surprise. "Amina!" She threw herself into my arms and pressed her face against my shoulder. I had barely gotten my arms around her when she began sobbing.

"It's ok, shh." I petted her hair. "Shh." It took Sansa a few minutes to compose herself.

Finally she stepped back looked me over and then hugged me again. "I thought you were dead."

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