22: Monster

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" I saw you late last night, come to harm
I saw you dance in the devil's arms

Doran summoned me later than afternoon. I joined him on the balcony. This time there was an empty chair beside him. He motioned for me to sit. "You handle Ellaria well."

"She doesn't mean the things she says."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I know what it's like to lose someone you love. It causes you to do things you would not do under normal circumstances."

"So you believe she is harmless?" He asked. "That this is only a passing phase."

"Passing? Probably. Harmless? No." I shrugged. "But she deserves a second chance. That's what you wanted to ask me, isn't it?"

He nodded. "You toasted King Tommen today."

"As did you."

"Trystane will be an important asset for us at court."

"So you weren't just trying to keep our lovebirds together?"

He smiled and shook his head. "I will give Ellaria a second chance, I hope she doesn't let us down."

"You're organizing everything for me. You brought me into your home, you take my advice..." I trailed off. "What is it that you hope to gain from placing me on the Iron Throne?"

"I want a better world for my people, and I can see in you the leader that will bring about that world."

"Does this have anything to do with your sister?" I asked.

"It is no secret my brother wanted justice for Elia's death, as do I. However our means differ greatly. We have known of the Targaryen presence in the east for some time."

"Were you going to back Daenerys?" I asked.

He nodded. "Until I learned of you. King Aerys' first born daughter, the true heir to the Seven Kingdoms. I have spent years planning for this, Princess. You only need to trust in me as much as I do you."

"Would you like to be my Hand?" I asked him. "As Ser Aylward likes to point out, my small council is very, well, small."

He smiled. "It would be my honor." I had a feeling Doran had figured this into his plan, but yet I didn't feel manipulated by him. I appreciated that he didn't want to force me into anything. He wanted me to choose my own path, but he would help me clear the trail.


I knocked lightly on the wall outside of Jaime's room. He turned to look back at me. "Come in, I was just finishing a letter."

I walked over to him and looked over his shoulder. He moved his gold hand to cover the page. I could still see the bottom lines, it looked like something a child had written. "Stop being ashamed of something you aren't at fault for." I knelt down next to the desk and took the quill from his hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Writing your letter. Are you going to give me clean sheet?" I asked. He moved the sloppily written page and handed me a blank one. "Shall I just make it up, or are you going to tell me what to write?"

"Oh," he cleared his throat and then dictated the letter to me. When I was done I handed it back to him.

"There, that was quicker."

"Thank you," he said.

"I just needed to hurry you along. We don't have much time to tour the Gardens before you leave."

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