27: Battle Cry

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" nobody can save me now
the king is crowned
it's do or die

I looked over the balcony at the bay below. It was full of ships with sails proclaiming allegiance to something I didn't recognize. I watched as flaming orbs were launched at the city. It wasn't until one landed right underneath me that I realized truly what was going on. "Amina?" I turned at the voice. My sister stood in the doorway. She was dressed like the people I'd last seen her with. I had reasoned they must be Dothraki, like her late husband.

For a moment we looked at each other. I expected her to be angry, I probably would have been. Finally her lips turned up in the tiniest hint of a smile. "I was just thinking about you."

"And I you." I looked around. "I suppose that's how I got here." With the newness of the candle, I had almost forgotten the connection I shared with Daenerys. I glanced over my shoulder. "What's going on?"

Her expression darkened suddenly. "The masters of the slave cities have come together to fight against me." I nodded. She tilted her head. "You don't look surprised."

"I heard rumors," I told her. "Also, Tyrion explained a bit the last time I was here." She opened her mouth. "I will tell you all about that later. First, let's save your city."

We walked into the meeting room. Tyrion nodded at me. Daenerys looked between us with some suspicion. "Shall we begin?" She asked.

"We have a plan?" Tyrion asked, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. I looked to my sister curiously.

"I will crucify the masters. Burn their fleets, kill every last one of their soldiers, and return their cities to the dirt." Tyrion and I shared a look. Daenerys frowned. "You would have me do something else, sister?"

I bit my lip. "Do you know what our father planned to do to King's Landing?" I asked. She stared at me. I glanced at Tyrion. I was keenly aware the peace I had with my sister was tentative.

"Aerys hid caches of wildfire under the city," he said. "The Red Keep, the Sept of Baelor, everywhere."

"He would have burned his city and everyone in it," I continued. "Those who had betrayed him, those who were loyal, even the smallfolk who have no care who sits on the Iron Throne."

"That is why my brother killed him," Tyrion finished. I avoided any thoughts of Jaime and tried to keep my mind on the task at hand.

"This is entirely different," Daenerys protested.

"You're talking about destroying cities," Tyrion pointed out. "This isn't entirely different."

Daenerys looked between us. "I suppose you have another plan then."

"Between the two of us, I do believe we could figure something out," he said.

"Killing the masters may be unavoidable," I murmured.

He nodded. "One or two will have to go. We'll need to save as many ships as possible."

"For coming across the Narrow Sea? You're right. The Unsullied army is rather large"

"We have a Khalasar as well."

I scrunched up my face. "I only have a vague understanding of that word. But, I don't believe there are enough ships out there for that."

He waved his hand. "We can deal with that another day." For a moment we both were quiet. Daenerys still looked at us expectantly. "Amina, you'll go for the other dragons. We'll need them if we're to scare the masters into submission."

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