1: Running With The Wolves

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" but we're running out of time... "

This is the story of a newborn princess, with snow white hair and bright blue eyes. The story of a little girl who was ripped from her family to save her life. This is my story, the story of Amina Targaryen.

I was found in King's Landing a week after I was born. Soldiers murdered my parents and my siblings. I'm told they deserved it, and everyone knows the stories of the Mad King. Eddard Stark found me, my crib had been knocked over and he was surprised the fall hadn't killed me. He should've broken my neck the moment he realized I was still breathing, but he didn't. Instead he hid me away and took me back to Winterfell.

Catelyn took me in, what else could she do but help a tiny orphaned baby. She covered my hair with paste that turned my snowy white locks a deep brow. No one ever had to know what house I belonged to. If anyone asked Ned told them I was an orphan of the war, no home, no family, it was true after all.

The Starks were the only family I had ever known. I was only a few months younger than their eldest son, Robb. It was decided early that we were to be married. I thought of the Stark children as my siblings, through thick or thin. But years with only Robb, Jon, and Theon Greyjoy made me tougher than your average Lady. For this reason, Sansa and I butted heads over everything. When Arya came along, she became my little shadow.

I'm not sure there's a point in me writing down my story. I suppose I just want it to be told, even if no one ever reads it. Maybe it will have a happy ending, like all Sansa's storybooks. Or maybe it won't. Only the Gods know. I'll just have to tell it anyway, and see where it leads.


"Jon, stop it!" I squealed as he came at me again. I was furiously ticklish and I hated it when anyone tried to touch my stomach, I got quite violent about it. I kicked at him and tried to claw him, but he knew me to well and quickly immobilized my arms. My kicks were feeble at best and soon I was knocked to the ground.

"Promise you won't sneak off like that again and I'll stop."

"No promises!" I squealed trying to roll away.

"Ami," he said warningly.

I glared at him. "How many times have I told you not to call me that?"

"About a million, doesn't mean I'm going to stop. Plus, Ami is cute." He smiled and kissed me on the nose.

"No, Ami makes me sound like a child. I'm almost an adult," I mumbled rolling away from him. "And don't forget I'm the last dragon. I could burn your face off."

He laughed. "I dare you to try. Even if you were a dragon, what good would that do? You tell anyone that and they'd think you were crazy. Or they'd send you away. You'd be more of an outcast than me." Jon gave me a cautioning look. I'd come to know it well over the years. I was always doing something stupid, and he was always giving me that look.

"But it's still my birthright! I should have a crown and a throne. I'm supposed to rule." I picked up the chain of flowers I had been twisting before I was so rudely interrupted.

"You will rule."

"I'll rule the North. Lady of Winterfell, not exactly the same title."

"It's not all that bad is it?" He asked teasingly.

"It's terrible. Yes, I love Robb." I watched as Jon's face fell a bit and I poked him with my boot. "I love Robb, as a brother! I have no interested in being Amina Stark." I rolled over and stared up at the trees. "Amina Snow sounds nice, and it matches my hair." I twisted a strand of faded brown hair around my finger, it needed another dye. Catelyn would be angry if she noticed how light it had gotten. But I hated dying my hair, it made it smell for a week.

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