Chapter 39

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“Can I please come? Please?” Noah begged and clasped his hands together. I rolled my eyes.

He had spent the last twenty minutes trying to convince me to let him come with me into the shower. Luckily, we still had the house to ourselves (Tyler and Amelia had rented a hotel room so they wouldn’t disturb us while they did things I’d rather not mention) so nobody heard Noah’s pathetic attempts.

“No way in a million year!” I said. I tried to sidestep him so I could get into the bathroom, but he blocked me.

“Come on! Why do you even want to come?!” I screamed and punched his shoulder. He looked unaffected.

“Because you look so hot with water dripped over every inch of your hot, slender sexy-,” Before he could finish, I hit his chest to silence him.

“Shut up!” I shouted and blushed. He smirked.

“Please! I’ll do anything!” He pleaded. His lip pouted out and his eyes widened as he gave me his starving puppy dog face. He looked so cute I couldn’t say no.

“Fine,” I said before I realized what I was doing. “No wait, I didn’t mean that!” I said quickly. But he smirked and I knew there was no way he was letting me take it back.

“Nope, you already agreed. There is no going back once you put it out there,” Noah smirked. He moved sideways so I could step through the door but followed me once I did.

He leant against the counter and stared at me intently. I blushed and pinched a piece of my shirt between my fingers.

“Just so we’re clear, nothing is going to happen in the shower,” I said. Noah stood up straight and almost grinned before nodding his head in confirmation.

“Never,” He said.

His answer bothered me. Never? I mean would it really be that bad to do it with me? I’ve heard Alice rant a million times about how crude boys were, going through anything to hook up with a girl. So was I just exceptionally disgusting? I know I should just be thankful that he feels something in his heart for me and not just lust but the fact that he didn’t want me kept nagging at me.

“What do you mean never?” I snapped. He frowned.

“Amber, I-“

“I know I’m not the skinniest girl or the prettiest girl but really do you not want me at all?!” I screamed.

I opened my mouth to yell some more but Noah intercepted me with a kiss. I lost my train of thought and tangled my hands in his hair. He hoisted me onto the counter and I moved my legs apart so he could stand between them. He was closer that way.

Then I realized what I was doing.

“Hey! I’m mad at you,” I said, pulling back. Noah chuckled lightly before becoming serious again.

“Two things. First of all,” He started. He placed kisses all over my face and jaw before moving to my ear.

“You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and don’t you even doubt yourself,” He whispered. I would have blushed but he started kissing a spot right below and it made me moan uncontrollably.

“Don’t ever think that I don’t want you,” He said. He started kissing me again, but I reluctantly forced myself to pull back.

“Then why did you say that you would never do anything with me,” I said. I studied his light brown eyes for any signs of lying. But the unknown emotion that I had come to recognize was as deep as I could see.

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