Getting better

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Chapter 22

As they hugged me, a new fear approached. What happens now? I didn't die, and this didn't change my life, where do I go from here? I shivered as Charlotte, Zephra, and Eric and his gang came over. "What on Earth happened?" Eric said."STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Jay yelled and pushed him away. "I can do what I want!" He yelled and sat next to me.

I screamed as memories came back and flooded my brain. I stood up and ran into the water. I dove deep beneath the waves. The water flowed through my hair as I looked around. Camy and Macy had dove into the water to save me. As their arms wrapped around mine, and they pulled me closer to the surface, the world went black.


I woke up in my dorm room with a card on my chest. I opened it up and it read: Don't let them get you down. You are beautiful and we love you! Love- Bridget, Jay, Lola, Jasmine, Macy, Camy, Zephra, Charlotte, Eric, Andy and Carter.

P.S. From Eric, Zephra, and Charlotte: We're sorry for everything, we didn't think it would go this far, please forgive us, we really do care for you.

Great I thought. More people that I can disappoint. I got up, but then laid back down as my head pounded and my stomach ached. I got my iPhone out and texted Lola, asking where she was. "I'm coming." She responded. She appeared in the door way, "hey," She said and walked in. "What happened?" I asked her. "Well, they pulled you out of the water, Andy had to give you CPR, then when you could breathe again, all of the boys carried you back to the nurse's office, where she said that you had a mild concussion, and that you'd sleep for a few days. So they carried you up here, and you've been sleeping since." She responded. "How long have I've been asleep?" I asked. "About 4 and a half days." She said. "Wow," I responded. "Now, lets get to more important matters, food!"

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