Sour Milk and Ketchup

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Chapter 7

Here's my game plan~

10:00- get supplies ready

10:15- make our way to the girls lounge

10:30- go over game plan

10:45- get to our stations and wait till 11:00


"Ok," I instructed, I had the attention of 25 girls, and I didn't want to waste it. "So our plan is that I'll sit on the couch over there."I gestured to the couch. "If anything bad happens, we attack at my signal, which is if I clap 3 times. If things get too bad, Macy, who's up on the balcony, will pull me up with our "secrete weapon" Macy, your signal is if I clap 5 times." I shouted to her."OK!" She responded. "And if I clap 5 times, all of you will put on your masks and run, and you all have to be silent, so they don't suspect anything. Any questions?" They all shook their heads. "Ok then," I said. "Let's get to our stations."


11:00- My breathing is heavy, and I'm nervous. I try to slow my breathing, but it didn't work. I hear a noise from the hall, and I try to keep my breathing steady. I look around, no one. "Hello Lillian." I hear a voice. "Who are you, and, where are you?" I say to the air. From the hallway leading to the dorms, Charlotte and Carter walk in. "What are you two doing here?" I asked. "Oh, I just wanted to show you my new boyfriend." Charlotte slyly said. "At 11:00 at night? Why are you really here?" I asked. "I told you Carter, you should've believed me." Charlotte said to him. "Ok I will." Carter quietly said. "He will what?" I asked them. "Please tell me, I'm kinda in the dark here!" "Carter, do you care to explain?" Charlotte asked. "We made a bet, that if we pretended like we were, like, dating, and you cared more about why we were here at 11:00 at night, than that we were dating, I would date her for 2 weeks, if you cared more about how I was dating a which, she would leave me, AND you alone, and make sure that Bridget will leave you alone too" Carter said. "Well, I did care... but I... you think she's a which too?" I asked. "Well, other than Bridget, who likes her?" He responded. "Only Charlotte." I laughed. "ONLY CHARLOTTE!" I yelled, clapped 3 times, then fell to the ground and pulled Carter down with me and a rain of water balloons exploded on Charlotte. I pulled out my emergency umbrella and held it over me and Carter's heads. As a rain of sour milk and ketchup fell onto Charlotte and her designer outfit. "Smart move." Carter said. "Thanks, the note said to come alone, so I suspected something." I said. "But if I were you," Carter said. "I'd run, Charlotte brought an army too..." Carter said. I clapped 5 times, unbuttoned my jacket, and clipped myself into the hook. "Bye Carter." I pulled on the wire and got pulled up to the second floor by our "secret weapon". "RUN!" I yelled down. "Thanks Macy." I said and glanced down where my girls had ran away as Carter walked away and Charlotte pouted about her new outfit getting ruined as her "army" walked in, squirt guns loaded, I noticed that Bridget was the head soldier. "Score!" I laughed and ran back to my dorm.

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