Oh, Andy...

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Chapter 4

They all came at me at once.

His "gang" members were Larry Kaser, Bobby Arobic, and worst of all, James Woods. Larry and Bobby just went with the rest of the gang, but James, you don't want to get on his bad side.

I first punched out Larry, he fights like a girl. And I dodged Bobby's swing and put him in an arm bar and kicked in his knee so he fell to the ground. I turned around and couldn't see James, and then before I knew it, my wrists were bound and I was tied to a door handle. "Now baby," Eric said standing over me. "You see that bloody boy over there?" He gestured to Andy who looked pretty clean to me. "I'm going to show you what happens when anyone try's to get between me and my girl." He walked over to Andy, stood him up, and punched him in the gut. "NOOOO!" I yelled and pulled hard against the restraints and made the door shudder. "GET ME OFF OF THIS!" I screamed. "So babe." Eric said as he threw Andy on the ground and stepped on him. "Are you ready to commit to us?" He lifted him up and slammed him against the wall. "AAAAAHHHHH!!!" I screamed. Eric continued to beat up defenseless Andy.

Camy, Jasmine, Macy, and Jay finally made it to the front of the crowd and ran to untie me. As soon as I was free I ran at Eric and threw him to the ground and started to beat him up. "THERE," I punched him in the gut. "IS," I lifted him up and slammed him against the wall. "NO," I flipped him and he landed on his back and punched him in the face. "US!" I calmly stood up, and picked up Andy, "Macy, Jay, Camy, Jasmine help me with him!" They ran over and helped me with him. "Oh, and I'm talking to Principal Jones later today, bye boys!" I turned back, and punched Eric in the face an walked away.


"Lets get him on the table." I said. Camy cleared off the table and we set him down. "Ok, Macy," I said. "Get me a wet cloth, and Jay, get the first aid kit and get all of the antibiotics in there." Macy handed me the cloth and I went to work. "Now let's see..." I murmured. I started dabbing his chest with the cloth. "ok, I want two of you to go and see if anyone is still in the west wing, if they are, ask if any of them took pictures or videos of Eric beating up Andy. If they did, ask them if they can email them to you, or if you can borrow their phone, and show principal Jones, ok? who's going?" I calmly said as I continued to dab at him. "you guys go, I took a medical class and can help out." Camy said. "I can stay back too." Jasmine calmly said. "Ok," Jay responded "Let's go!" Macy said, and ran out the door. "flip him over," I told Camy and Jasmime. "And lock the door, make sure that no one can get in." Camy locked the door. "Ok, let's get to work."

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