Chapter 1

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In her dream she was running fast through a field. She could feel the flower buds beneath her fingertips as she danced with the sun. "its beautiful" she thought. Suddenly, she was overcome with joy. She laughed. A whole-hearted laugh. All the sudden she heard a loud ring. It was getting louder!

Stirring awake I realized that it was my alarm that was ringing. I shut it off thinking that it was time to get ready for another day in hell. With my teeth brushed, and outfit ready I rushed down stairs observing the dark, eerie, quiet, and empty house. Realizing I was alone once again my eyes water thinking 'nothing like being alone.... Yet again..." I was startled out of my thoughts with my best friends red-brown hair in my face.

"Fallon! You scared me!"

Fallon smirked "Sorry Spencer, you were in lala land again! Come on we're going to be late!!"

Fallon grabbed my hand and we skipped to her blue Honda Civic car laughing, making me momentarily forget. Just a little. Entering the car, we turn up the music singing all the way to school.

When we arrived both of us hopped out of the car grabbing our bags from the back and headed into high school. I instantly pulled my hair forward keeping my eyes on the ground. Fallon gives me a sympathetic smile knowing the reason behind my actions. As we entered the school everyone seemed to have stopped and stare in our direction. Or rather, they were all staring at me. We kept walking towards class that we had together; as well as lunch. We walked through the classroom doors and sat side by side. As I went to get the books that we needed I heard someone whisper "dykes" and I have to be literally tugged back into my seat by Fallon who says to 'don't worry about it'. Like hell I won't.

"Good morning class!!" booms the teachers voice.

Each student settles down to listen.

"Today we will be doing a partner project."

As soon as partner left the lips students erupted in excitement already eyeing their friends, choosing which to work with.


All the students abruptly zip it turning to look at the teacher.

Then, out of nowhere the door is flung open and banged shut. In front of the door stands the one and only... Tyler Madden. 30 pairs of eyes all look at him while he stands there without a care in the world. 'I wish I could be like that.'

"Mister Madden how nice of you to join us!" The teacher's irritation can be heard a mile away.

"Oh, indeed it is... Miss me?" The was a hint of sarcasm and amusement evident on his beautiful face.

"For today sit by Spencer for partner project and I hope that some of her good academics and conduct will rub off on you."

My eyes widen and I look towards Fallon in disbelief while she sits there with an amused expression mouthing 'Good luck, you'll need it.' I sit there in shock as Tyler plops down next to me sending me a wink. Looking around us I see 29 pairs of eyes looking at me in shook with their mouths wide open.

"Oh, fuck my life." 

*Edited from original*

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