14. Input From Piper

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Leo's POV

I sat in my room, my head buried in my hands. I guess I wasn't too surprised that Nico had loved Percy, because after all, pretty much everyone does. Even Jason probably has a secret crush on him. I had always feared that Nico would leave me for someone better, but now that it could actually happen, I was pretty scared.

I mean, I knew Nico loved me, but Percy was everything I wasn't: attractive, strong, heroic. And I was just a scrawny kid who liked to fix things. I'm not even very good at combat.

I sighed and leaned back on my pillow, a few tears threatening to escape. After a while, I succumbed and let the tears flow freely. I sobbed until my eyes dried out, then just stared at the ceiling, my mind going numb.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. I assumed it was Nico, so I kept my mouth shut, not in the mood to talk to him at the moment.

"Leo, open up!" I heard a female voice say. I quickly identified it as Piper's.

"Go away!" I yelled back, my voice cracking. "I don't want to talk to anyone!"

"Leo, open the goddamn door," Piper said forcefully, using her charmspeak. Unable to resist, I walked over to the door and opened it slowly.

Piper ran into my room before I could close the door again. She sat on Nico's bed, watching me closely. "Leo, please, Nico's worried to death about you. You need to talk to him."

"No, I don't," I replied in a monotone voice. "If Nico wants to talk to me so badly, why did he send you?"

Piper sighs. "You need to come to him on your own. He doesn't even know I'm here. He's trying to give you space, but I can tell the guilt is eating him alive. Just go talk to him, please?"

I took a deep breath and nodded slowly. "Okay, fine," I muttered. "I'll do it. But don't expect it to go well."


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