Chapter Fifty

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A/N Okay so, I changed my mind. There isn't going to be a few more chapters. This is that last chapter. Wow, we're here. Chapter fifty, as well as the last chapter. I'm actually kind of nervous to write this. But, I'm not going to have a big A/N, there's going to be one on the next page.

The song is Weightless by All Time Low. Enjoy the chapter!

Btw, there's been a time skip, so it's now December. 

"That one is wrong."

"So is that one."

"And that one."

And tha-"

"Okay I get it!" I said with a groan. "I'm bad at math, you don't have to rub it in." Josh chuckled. "If you asked for help more often, maybe you'd actually understand things." I sighed and looked up from the table that my head had been resting on. Josh was across from me on the couch while I was on the floor behind the coffee table. He had Jim (who's so fricking cute) curled up on his lap, and my laptop beside him. He was grading my school work, making sure I understood everything, which I clearly didn't. "Why couldn't you have done this while I wasn't on break?" I asked. "Because I like to make you suffer." He said jokingly. I sighed and got up from my spot on the floor. 

I headed into the kitchen to get some water. I opened the fridge and groaned when I didn't find what I was looking for. "Josh! We need to get more water bottles!" I called out. He didn't answer. "Josh?" I asked, peeking out from the kitchen. He sat up from the couch. "Yeah?" He said. I sighed in relief. "Never mind." I said while shaking my head. Tyler and Josh had tried to sneak up on me and scare me a few times, it never ended well. I usually ended up in tears. It reminded me of when I was back with my biological family, and that was something I never wanted to remember. They quickly learned not to scare me, though I sometimes feel like they'll try to again.

I headed back into the kitchen and grabbed two cups from a cabinet. I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of juice. I poured the red liquid into the cups then slid it back into the fridge. I went back into the living room and put the cups on the coffee table. Josh reached over and grabbed one. "This for me?" He asked. "No, it's for Jim." I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and took a drink. 

After checking a few more problems, Josh closed the laptop and set it down on the table. "You're getting better, but you need to work on fractions a bit more." He said. I nodded. I wasn't terrible, but I wasn't good either. Math was definitely my worst subject. I just didn't understand it most of the time. "You want to go get some lunch?" He asked. I shrugged. They were making me eat more, and making sure I actually ate. I was getting better, but I still wasn't fully. There were times when I just wanted to not eat at all, to starve myself for days on end. But I was never able to, Tyler made sure of that. "Go get ready, I'll start the car, get it warmed up." He said as he got up. I sighed as I headed up the stairs.

I got to my room and opened the closet doors. I grabbed a hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans. I took my pajama pants off and pulled the jeans on. Before putting the hoodie on, I caught a glimpse of the scars under the bracelets on my arm. I had been clean for almost three months now, but I still had the urge often. I get a rubber band on my wrist and would snap it when I wanted to cause harm to myself. It didn't have the same effect, but it eventually helped the urge to pass. I quickly moved the bracelets back over and grabbed my hoodie. It was the one Tyler had given me. I smiled at the memory. It felt so long ago, but at the same time like it was just yesterday. I slipped the hoodie over my small frame. It had always been big on me, but I loved it.  I redid my hair, which was just a bun, before grabbing socks and heading downstairs.

I sat down on the couch to put my socks on when Jim came over excitedly. I sighed as I scratched behind his ears. "Sorry buddy, we're not going on a walk right now." I said to him, which he obviously didn't understand. He always though that whenever we got socks and shoes on, that it was time for a walk, but it usually wasn't. I stood up from the couch and headed towards the door. I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on. I walked over to the corner of the living room. "C'mon Jim, cage (Cage, crate, kennel, whatever you want to call it)." I said. He slowly walked over and got inside. I closed the door and latched it. "We'll be back soon." I said quietly. The front door opened and Josh came inside, snow on his shoes and coat. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded. We headed out the door and into the now warm car. 

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