Chapter Forty Three

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A/N The song is Singing In The Rain by Simple Plan. Enjoy the chapter!

I slowly opened my eyes. There were lights blaring in my face. I let my eyes adjust before opening them all the way. I looked around the room. Everything was white, and smelled like chemicals. It almost looked like the room was glowing. I was laying in a bed, and there was a lady next to it, looking at a screen. I realized I was in a hospital. How did I get here?

I tried to sit up, but there were sharp pains in my side and head. I gasped in pain. The lady looked over at me. "Oh good, you're awake." She said. Her name tag read Cindy. She smiled at me. "I'll go let your family in." Cindy said before leaving the room. I looked over beside me and saw a window. A giant window, showing a parking lot and the free way. I heard the door open and looked over. Jenna, Josh, and Tyler came in. They all came over and hugged me. Jenna sat in the chair next to the bed. "Why am I here?" I asked. "Well, that's kind of what we were hoping you would tell us." Josh said. "What happened?" Jenna asked. "I got into a fight." I mumbled. It wasn't a lie, It's just not the kind they're thinking of. "A fight? Did you start it?" Josh asked. I looked over at Tyler. He hasn't said a word. I sighed. "No, I didn't start it." I answered. "Then why did they start it? What happened?" Jenna asked. I looked down at my hands. "I don't know why they started it." I said. Josh was about to say something, but Tyler cut him off. "Those other times, they weren't from dodge ball, were they." He said quietly. I shook my head. Tyler moved closer to the bed. "Abby, what happened?" He asked. I sighed.

"This was nothing new, just harder than usual. They did what they normally do, take my lunch then beat me to the ground. But they didn't take my lunch this time, they skipped that part. They went straight to the beating, and they didn't stop." I said, nearly whispering. I saw a tear roll down Jenna's face. I felt terrible. "They started bullying me a long time ago, and they moved on from name calling a long time ago." I said. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Tyler asked. I looked back down at my hands. "Because I didn't think you would care." I said. "You know we care, we care about you and what happens to you." Josh said. I looked up at them. "I thought that about everyone. I told people, I tried to make it stop. I told my parents, my teachers, the principal, a neighbor. I told everyone who I thought would help and who I thought cared, but no one did. No one did anything. So I just stopped. I stopped asking for help, I stopped fighting back." I said, tears streaming down my face. Tyler pulled me into a hug. "We do care, and we want to help. We will help." He said. I didn't say anything. I believed him, but I wasn't going to get m hoped up again, just for them to be crushed. He let go of me and wiped the tears from his face. 

"So, why am I here though?" I asked. "Well," Cindy said as she came into the room. "You have a fractured ankle, a broken nose, a concussion, and also the bruises and cuts everywhere." I nodded. "How long do I have to stay here?" I asked. "You might be able to leave tomorrow evening, but we won't know for sure until tomorrow." She said. "So," Josh pulled out something from his backpack. "That is why we brought cards. And some other things." He handed a small box of cards to me. I smiled. "Spitz?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded. I opened the box and started shuffling the cards, then dealt them out.

After about 8 rounds later, we decided to change games. Josh grabbed another box of cards. I gasped. "You brought dutch blitz?! You lied to me! You said you didn't bring the game!" I said. Josh laughed. "That's because you would have wanted to play that immediately, and then I wouldn't have been able to beat your score from last time." He said. I rolled my eyes. "You beat me by one game." I said. "But I still beat you." He said. Tyler smiled at us. I scooted over on the bed. "Here, you can sit here too." I said to Tyler. He sat down on the bed next me. "We also brought Uno, and your iPod. Plus your notebook and pens." He said. "Wow, you guys sure brought a lot." I said. He shrugged. "We know how easily you can get bored." He said. I smiled. "Thanks." I said. He smiled. We grabbed our cards and laid them out, then started the game.

A/N I'm really sorry that this chapter is so short, but I didn't know what else to put. And I thought that, other than the length, this was a good place to stop. I don't think you wanted another three paragraphs on just card games. It would be fun irl, but not that fun to read about. Anyways, I'll try to make the next chapter longer, but no promises. Also, in case any of you wanted to know, I found a new show to watch while I'm waiting for Supernatural. It's called Blue Bloods. It's a crime show, and it's really good. If you haven't already seen it, I recommend you watch it. Have a good day everyone, try not to punch the annoying people in your life.

Stay alive |-/

Oh, and don't forget to eat something <3

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