Chapter Thirty Eight

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A/N Hey. In case any of you wanted to know, I didn't get tickets for the concert. My parents main reason for not letting me go is because it's on a Tuesday and they work the next day, even though my dad would be able to take a day off, and because it's in February, so they don't know what the weather will be like. The small possibility of the weather being rainy or snowy never stopped them before.

I stressed myself out several times over it, and the answer was no. I really need to stop getting my hopes up for things, because everything always comes crashing down.

I was going to go on a big rant about it, but I'm too tired. So I'll just work on the chapter. The song is How Could You Leave Us by NF. Enjoy the chapter!

I tiredly blinked as I slowly sat up. I was in my bed, with the sun blaring in my face. Odd, I don't remember going to bed last night. I remember crying over the season finale of Supernatural, but that's about it. I pulled the covers away and got out of bed. I grabbed my jacket that was hanging on the chair at my desk before opening the door and heading downstairs.

I looked around and saw Tyler in the kitchen, putting waffles in the toaster. (I typed toaster and I thought about a movie I watched as a little kid. The Brave Little Toaster. Did any of you ever watch that movie? I loved it, it was one of my favorite's as a kid.) Tyler saw me and said good morning. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "Where's Jenna?" I asked. Tyler grabbed the waffles as they came up before answering. "She went to the store." I nodded my head and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. "Shouldn't we be leaving soon?" I asked. He shook his head. "Something happened in the science room, so school is being delayed today." He said as he put some more waffles in the toaster. I sighed. "Delayed? They can't just cancel it, can they." I said. He smiled and shook his head. "It seems that way."

I stood there for a few minutes, just watching Tyler (not in a creepy way). How his lips curved up every so often. How he bit his lip as he tried to grab the waffles from the toaster. How he seemed so focused on what he was doing. How his eyes shined in the kitchen light. I had always tried to notice things like this, what people do, what people look like as they do certain things. I always tried to notice things, things that most people don't.

I must have gotten lost in thought because Tyler was waving his hand in front of my face. I took a step back and shook my head. "What?" I asked. Tyler smiled and shook his head. "What were you thinking about? Because you missed my totally hilarious joke." He said. I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure I would have been dying on the floor with laughter." I said. He nodded. "Hey can I do this?" I asked as I pulled myself up and sat on the counter. "I don't see why not." He said with a smile. "As long as you eat at least one waffle." He slid a plate with a waffles covered in syrup. "I was already planning on it." I lied. I slowly grabbed the plate and brought it up to me. I took the fork in my hand and began cutting a small part off. I brought the fork up to my mouth and took a bite. Tyler smiled. The warm, syrupy dough nearly melted in my mouth. It was good, but knew I shouldn't have been eating. I always eat too much. But to make Tyler happy, I continued the the process, eventually taking the last bite and putting the plate down.

I jumped off the counter and took the plate over to the sink, spraying it with water to make sure the syrup wouldn't stick to it. Once I was done, I stuck it in the dishwasher and grabbed my water bottle. I was already starting to feel sick. Tyler finished his waffles and put the plate in the dishwasher. I went upstairs and grabbed my iPod before going back down and laying across the couch. Josh came in the room and mumbled a sleepy good morning before heading to the kitchen.

After Josh sat down on the couch with his waffles, Tyler began to speak. "So, You've been with us for two or three weeks now." (I know, it's probably been longer, shush) He started. I began to panic. They're tired of me. They want to get rid of me. My breathing started to get a little heavier. "I was thinking we should tell the clique about you." He finished with a nervous smile. Josh smiled and nodded his head. They both looked over at me. I tried to calm myself down, but I just couldn't. Josh seemed to notice and he quickly got up and kneeled down in front of me. "Hey, calm down. What's wrong?" He said. I couldn't speak. He grabbed my hand and put against his chest. "Follow my breathing, okay?" He said. I did what he said and eventually began to calm down. Once my breathing was normal and I could speak, I slipped off the couch and pulled Josh into a hug. He hugged me back. I let go of him and told him thank you before going back to the couch.

"We don't have to if you don't want, I was jus-" Tyler began saying before I cut him off. "No, it's fine. We should. I just thought you were going to say something else, so I panicked." I said. He nodded. "We should wait till Jenna get's back." I said. They both nodded. And as if on cue, Jenna came through the front door carrying a few grocery bags. We all got up and head over to her. Tyler gave her a kiss on the cheek. I smiled at that. "Are there any other bags?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah, I think there are two more." I nodded and headed outside. I got to the car and grabbed the bags from the back before closing the door and going back inside. I closed the front door and sat the bags on the table. I looked inside them to see what she had gotten. Jenna came over. "This," She said as she held up a big container with juice in it, "is for you. I thought you might like some juice. I didn't know what kind you like, so hopefully you like this one." She smiled and handed the container to me. I grabbed it and smiled. I thanked her before going into the kitchen and grabbing a cup. I poured a little bit of juice and took a drink. It was a little sour, but it was good. I put some more in the cup before putting the container in the fridge.

We helped Jenna put groceries away and then we all sat down in the living room. "We were talking earlier and we thought that we should tell the clique about Abby." Tyler told Jenna. She smiled. Tyler took out his phone and we all gathered around (for a show) and smiled. Tyler took the picture and we looked at it. It didn't look amazing because it was a selfie with four people, but it was good enough. "You ready to become famous?" Josh jokingly said. Tyler went to Instagram first and posted the picture, saying that I'm their daughter. That they adopted me and that he well tell them more about it later on. He posted it and did the same on Twitter.

There were immediate responses. Most of them positive, some not.

(go follow her on instagram) @a.bbyb Oh my gosh! You have a kid now?! How old is she? AHH SHE'S SO PRETTY!  I laughed a bit at that one. (I'm so sorry Abby if I made that cringy. Sorry.)


@tylersleftfoot (I'm sorry, I'm just trying to come up with random names) Really? you adopted her? She looks so ugly.  My smiled faded at that one.

The comments went on and on. Tyler stopped scrolling through them and turned off his phone. He smiled at me. "I think they like you." He said. I shrugged. "Most of them." I mumbled. 'They don't like you, no one does. They feel sorry for Tyler and Jenna for having to be your parents.' Echo said. There went my good mood.

I plastered on a fake smile. "I'm going to go up to my room, I haven't completely finished my homework yet." I lied. I headed to the stairs and went up. I closed my door and fell back onto my bed with a saddened sigh.

A/N Hello! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, seeing as how it's longer than usual. I really hope you're all doing okay, I'm not doing the best right now so I hope everything is going well for everyone else. If not, tell me about it. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. I'll listen, and I'll talk with you. Even if you're just bored out of your mind and want to talk to someone, I'll be here.

Stay alive |-/

Oh, and don't forget to eat something <3

Adopted by Twenty One Pilots +JennaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz