Chapter Twenty Seven

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A/N So, this chapter is going to be after a time skip. Abby's been at the orphanage for a week now. This is to make it not as slow and boring. And then the next chapter she'll probably have been there for three weeks or something, I haven't figured that out yet. Y'know, this was a lot easier doing these things in my head than actually writing them. Oh well.

The song is Dark Star by Jaymes Young (Can you tell I like his music yet?) Enjoy the chapter!

I stumbled out of bed and walked over to the small desk. I grabbed my bag and shuffled my hand around in it, looking for something. My hand glazed (Glazed? I don't know. I've been looking for the right word for ten fricking minutes. I give up.) over my razor. 'No. That's not what you're doing. Not tonight.' I told myself. I kept searching till I found my notebook. I grabbed it and sat down by the window. It was three in the morning, so it was still dark, but there was a little bit of moonlight coming through the window which was enough for me to be able to write.I grabbed my iPod and turned on music, then grabbed a pen and started writing.

I've been here for a week and I want to leave so badly. The workers don't even notice my existence, which isn't something new, except for one. But her 'noticing my existence' is just beating me, or telling me to go do something. There's a group of girls who all hate me, which isn't a surprise. They call me things that I'm not going to repeat. They push my down stairs and trip me. They're the ones who destroyed my phone. The beatings at school have gotten worse. I've blacked out four times this week, and it's only Wednesday morning. The toddlers in the nursery have gotten used to me, they want me to play with them, which I do. The only good thing about all of this is, I've only eaten twice while I've been here, so that's a plus. This is the first night, except for the first two nights, that I haven't cut. So I guess that's how everything's going. I hate it so much. (I know, this paragraph is every where.)

I wrote a bit more, but  had to stop since I was loosing light and couldn't really see what I was doing. I put my notebook back in my bag and went to my bed. I stared up at the ceiling, just listening to Josh's drumming and Tyler's singing. I stayed like that for about an hour, until my iPod died. I sighed and got up, heading over to the desk to get the charger. I plugged it in and laid back down on my bed.

~Time skip~

I rolled out of bed and looked to see what time it was. '7:13' It said. I walked over to the closet and changed. I put on jeans, a Twenty One Pilots shirt, and my jacket. I grabbed my bag and stuffed my homework into it, then grabbed my iPod. I slipped on some shoes and went downstairs. "I'm going to school." I told one of the workers before leaving.

I finally arrived at the school. I walked in and headed to my first class. I sat down in the back and pulled my homework out, finishing it before class started. The day dragged on like this, until lunch. I walked into the cafeteria and went over to the table with the group. "Here." I said, handing the guy a paper bag with a sandwich in it, before quickly walking out.

As I was walking out, I bumped into one of the other guys in the group. "Where do you think you're going?" He said before pulling my up to the wall. I'll spare you the details. Let's just say, by the end of it, I was on the floor in pain. And in blood.

I limped to the bathroom and cleaned myself up before going to my next class. I went into the back, pulled out my homework, and finished it before class started.

~Another time skip~

School was finally over for the day. I limped up the stairs and went into my bedroom. I put my bag down and laid on the bed for a few minutes before getting back up and going down stairs. I went into the nursery and gave the kids some food, then checked on the babies.

I was in there for a few hours before a couple came in, looking at the toddlers. "Get out of here before I drag you out." Linda, one of the workers, said to me. I quickly nodded and limped out of there as fast as I could. It was another persons turn to watch them now, so I went back up stairs.

I stayed up there for the rest of the evening, doing my homework, listening to music, drawing, doing whatever I could find to do. After a few hours, I finally collapsed from exhaustion,for once actually sleeping a bit.

A/N Hello! So, I want to thank @-x708x- for telling me to listen to The Wrecks. Well, I listened to them and they are amazing. So thank you so much. You all should go listen to them. They're selling tickets for a tour right now, I'm thinking about asking my parents if I could go.

Just a reminder, if any of you are going through anything and need to talk, or you just need a friend, my DM's are always open and I will talk with you and listen to whatever you need to say.

Stay alive |-/

Oh, and don't forget to eat something <3

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