Chapter Twenty Four

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A/N I feel kinda dumb. Yesterday I was buying a couple things on the twenty one pilots website and using the code I got at Tour De Columbus. Well, I made a mistake. When checking out, we forgot to add everything in so that we can actually pay, like everything that's on the back of a debit/credit card. So it didn't work, obviously. I went back and put everything back in the cart since it said there wasn't anything in the cart. Well, there was. So I accidentally just made my mom spend $200. I think the order was cancelled, so I'll just buy one of each and use the code then. 

Anyways, the song is Fractures by Illenium. Enjoy the chapter!

Also, the voice thingy in that I said needs a name, well thanks to @silent_Tylerr it now has a name! The name is Echo.

Abby's POV

I went downstairs after an hour of drawing. I looked around the house but couldn't find anyone, not even outside. I went downstairs and knocked on Josh's door, seeing if he was in there. I heard footsteps and then Josh opened the door. "Hey Abby! Whatcha doing?" He said. "I was looking everywhere for you guys. Where are Tyler and Jenna?" I said. "Oh, they left to go to the store." He said. I nodded. We stood there awkwardly for a few moments. Josh cleared his throat. "Do you want to do anything?" He asked me. I shrugged. He chuckled and shook his head. "What did you have in mind?" I asked. "Well, we could go somewhere. We don't just have to stay in the house." He said. "Okay, where do you want to go?" I asked. "I don't know, where do you want to go?" He asked me. I shrugged, he sighed. "We could go to Easton." He said. (Easton is a mall in Columbus, it's not that big and doesn't really have a lot of stores. I basically just follow my sister because there aren't many stores I like there except Hot Topic and Barnes and Nobles.) I shook my head. I didn't really feel like panicking from anxiety right now. We stood there thinking for a moment. We couldn't think of anything. (More like I can't think of anything. Columbus is really boring and there's nothing to do.) "How about we just stay here and find something to do." I said. He nodded.

We went up the stairs into the living room and laid down on the couch. "We could watch a movie." Josh suggested. I shook my head. "We could go swimming." He said. I sat up and put my wrist up in the air. "One, I'm not supposed to get this wet yet, and two, I don't have a swim suit." I said. He sighed. I gasped. "I know!" I yelled out. "What?" He said. "Well, it's a series of (unfortunate) events. But first, we need cake." I said. He looked at me confused. I smiled. "If it's okay, can we go to the store or something and buy a fancy-ish cake?" I asked. He smiled. "I'll never say no to cake." He said. "Okay, I'm going to go get ready." I said and went to go upstairs. Josh got up quickly. "Wait! How could I forget? You're not supposed to be walking." He said, then picked me up. I groaned. "I thought you were going to forget about that." I mumbled. He took me to my room and dropped me on the bed. "I'll be back, I need to get ready." He said, then left.

I had heard Tyler, Josh, and Jenna talking in the kitchen earlier. They were talking about how they think I need to eat more. I figured that, If I could make it seem like I wanted food, and that I was eating more, maybe I could get away with not eating much. So that's where asking for cake comes in. It's a start. I grabbed my shoes and put them on, then put my hair up in a bun. I sat on the bed waiting for Josh. It was getting a little warm with the hoodie on, but I wanted to wear it. Besides, it would still be warm with a jacket on, so why not wear the hoodie if I'm already going to get hot. Josh came back upstairs and into the room. "You ready?" He asked me. I nodded. He picked me up and went downstairs and out to the car. He put me down and I got in the passenger seat while he ran around to the other side. He got in and buckled. "So, where do you want to go?" He asked me. "We could go to Meijer" I suggested. He nodded. "Okay, off to Meijer we go!" He said enthusiastically. He turned the radio on and pulled out of the driveway.

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