Chapter Thirty One

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A/N I just made a paragraph telling you to go check out a streamer, but than deleted it because he didn't want me to do that. He wants his viewers to come naturally, not from someone else telling them to come. So now I have to think of something else to put here.

I said sorry to a trash can once. I was outside with my dog and I was trying to get her attention, so I hit one of our trash cans. After I hit it, I said sorry to it. I have no clue why I did, but I did.

Anyways, you guys probably don't care too much, so I'll just get on with the chapter. The song is a NightCore version of You Don't Know by Katelyn Tarver. Enjoy the chapter!

Tyler and I looked around my room, looking at the posters we just hung up. "Looks good!" Jenna said. I looked over and she was standing in the doorway. I nodded. We heard the front door open. Tyler looked over at me. "Guess who's home." He said. I smiled. I got up and raced past Jenna and down the stairs. I got to the bottom, but because it's wood flooring and I had socks on, I slid across the floor and onto my back. (I know that's not realistic because unless you do it yourself, you can't really slide like that. But just roll with it.) "Woah! You okay?" Josh said while help me up. Once I was back on my feet I immediately hugged him. He chuckled and hugged me back. "I've missed you kid." He said. "You have no idea how much I've missed you guys." I said quietly.

We let go of each other and went outside and helped to bring groceries in. When we brought everything in, we all sat in the living room. "So Abby, what do you want for lunch?" Josh asked me. "We can make something, go somewhere, you get to choose." Tyler added. I groaned. "You know I'm not good at making decisions." I said, causing everyone to laugh. "It's not that you're bad at making decisions, you just can't make them quickly." Tyler said. I nodded. "Still, you get to choose." Josh said. I shrugged. They all continued to stare at me, waiting for an actual answer. Which made me get a little nervous. "Um, T-taco Bell?" I said, more as a question than an answer. "Is that what you want?" Jenna asked me. I nodded. "Alright then, Taco Bell it is!" Tyler said. "I-I'm gonna go get ready." I said before going upstairs.

I got into my room and pulled my shoes on. I put my hair in a bun and exchanged the hoodie I was wearing for my jacket. I really can't let anyone see my arms right now, not even Tyler. I left the room and headed downstairs. I saw Josh in the living room getting his shoes on. I sat down next to him. I saw him glancing over at my arms several times, making me look down every time to see if my jacket sleeves had gone up. They never did, thankfully. I sighed. "If you want to know, you can just ask." I said quietly, really hoping he didn't hear me. But he did. And he knew exactly what I meant. "Do you..." He started to say. I slowly nodded. I saw with a pained expression. He pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. "I'm getting better, Tyler has been helping me to stop." I lied. I didn't lie about Tyler helping me, but I lied about getting better. I've been getting worse. Josh let go of me. I forced a small smile. He gave a small smile back.

Tyler and Jenna came in the room. "You ready?" Jenna asked. I nodded. "Let's go!" She said before heading out the door. Josh followed her, while I stayed sitting there on the couch. Tyler came over and crouched down in front of me. "You okay?" He asked me. I looked up at him. I honestly didn't know. "I think so." I lied. He continued to look at me, not believing me. He sighed and stood up. 'I'll tell you later.' I thought to myself. Tyler helped me up and we went out the door.


I looked over at the clock. '3:26' It read. I sighed. I had been laying in bed for hours trying to fall asleep. I had so many different thoughts running through my head. The main one was 'Why did I tell him?' I have no Idea. I trust Josh, but I shouldn't bother him with my problems. I shouldn't bother anyone with my problems.

I shouldn't be here.

A/N Hello! Sorry this chapter is a short one, but I felt like it should end here. The next chapter should be longer and hopefully have more interesting things. Hopefully. Until then, bye.

Stay alive |-/

Oh, and don't forget to eat something <3

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