Chapter Forty Six

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A/N I'M BACK! Well, at least for a little bit. I don't know if I'll be updating everyday yet, or even stick to my old schedule yet. I'm going to try to start updating again, but I probably won't have definite days that I will be.

Anyways, I'll get on with it! You guys have already waited long enough.

The song is a nightcore version of Toxic Thoughts by Faith Marie. Enjoy the chapter!

I opened my eyes as the car came to a stop in the driveway. I rubbed my eyes. I unbuckled the seat belt and got out. Josh unlocked the front door and we all went inside. I started heading to the stairs when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me back. I turned around to see Josh behind me. "You almost just walked into the wall." He said, trying to hold back a smile. I looked and, he was right, I was just about walk right at the wall. I rubbed my eyes again. "Maybe you should go back to sleep." He said. I nodded. "I was thinking the same thing." I said with a small smile. Instead of going upstairs, I headed over to the living room and laid down on the couch. After a few minutes, I felt someone put a blanket on me. I slightly opened my eyes and saw Jenna putting it on me, carefully trying not to disturb me. "Thank you." I mumbled before closing my eyes again. I fell asleep quickly after that.

~Time Skip~

I opened my eyes. I was confused at first as to why I was on the couch. Then the memories of what happened came back, as did the pain. I groaned as I rolled over to my side. The TV was on quietly. Tyler was laying on the other couch, watching whatever was playing. I slowly sat up, which caught his attention. He sat up as well and smiled at me. "Hey, feeling any better?" He asked. I shook my head. "No, and I'm still pretty tired." I said. He nodded. "Well, you're usually tired after a nap, just wait a bit." He said as he sat back into the couch. "How long was I asleep?" I asked. He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at the time. "About three hours." Three hours? Geez! "Seriously?" I asked. He nodded. "Well, guess who's not sleeping tonight!" I said with a laugh. Tyler smiled. "Do you anyways?" He asked. I shook my head. "What are you watching?" I asked, hoping to take the attention off me. He looked back at the TV. "Stranger Things." He said. "You're watching it without me?" I asked. "It was only one episode!" He said. I sighed. "Can you at least restart the episode?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed the remote. "I'd have to anyway, with you snoring I couldn't hear a thing!" He joked. "Hey! I don't snore! That's Josh." I said. "I do not!" Josh called from the kitchen. Tyler and I smiled. Josh came into the room with a bowl of popcorn, and three mugs of hot chocolate. How he managed to carry that is beyond me. He sat down on the couch where Tyler was and put everything on the coffee table. "Alright, we ready to start the episode?" Tyler asked. Josh and I nodded. Tyler pressed play and we all turned our attention to the TV.

After three episodes and an empty popcorn bowl, we decided we should do something besides lay around all day, even though I had an excuse to. Tyler turned over to me. "So, I've been talking to Jenna about this, but  we don't have to do it if you don't want to," He started. "We don't really want you to go back to the school you've been going to, and I'm sure you don't want to either. We can look at other schools in the area, but I was thinking it might be better for you to just be homeschooled." I stayed silent for a bit, thinking about it. "I'd prefer being homeschooled than going to another school." I said. He nodded. "There are several different curriculums to choose from, and you can either have notebooks or do it online. You don't have to decide right now, or even today." I nodded.  "We can look at notebook classes, but I think I would rather do it online." I said. I've always wanted to be homeschooled! No one to make me look stupid, no one to bully me, no other people in general. "We can get you a laptop soon, most likely not today though." He said. "Can I get a new phone when we get the laptop? I still don't have one." I said.  "Didn't you have a phone?" He asked. I nodded. "I did, but it broke at the orphanage." I said. "What? Why didn't you tell me? We would've gotten you one sooner." He said. I shrugged. "You don't deserve a phone, you don't deserve anything." Echo said. 'Will you please just shut up for one day?' I thought. "You know how to make me be quiet." Echo said. I ignored that comment. I did know, yes. But I wasn't going to do it. Not when I've been trying so hard to stop. 

Tyler's phone vibrated. He looked down at it. "Ah crap. We'll talk more about it later, okay?" He said. I nodded. He quickly got up and headed upstairs. A few minutes later he came down with his hair not as messy and shoes on. "I have to go, I'll be back around 5:30." He said to Jenna. He gave her a kiss before going out the door. I stood up from the couch and stretched. I headed up the stairs and into my room. I turned on the light and closed the door behind me. I grabbed my iPod and earbuds, along with a notebook and some pencils. I turned on some music and sat down at my desk. I flipped through the pages of the notebook, some pages filled with thoughts, some with poems, others with drawings. I stopped at a page right before the blank ones started. An unfinished skeleton boy. "Alright," I mumbled, grabbing a pencil. "Let's finish you."

A/N Hello! I hope this chapter was good, especially since you guys have had to wait a while. How have you all been? How is your day going? I would love to know.

Now, question of the day: How and when did you get into Twenty One Pilots?

I got into them not even a year ago. It was sometime in February of this year. I had been on Pinterest looking at Undertale things, fan art I think. A picture with Tyler and Josh came up with the words Twenty One Pilots above them. Why that popped up along with Undertale things, I have no clue. I thought 'I've heard of them, I'll check them out.' I was at my piano teachers house though, so I couldn't right away. So, still on Pinterest, I looked them up. Different things showed up, like jokes I didn't understand at the time, pictures of them, a bunch of stuff. Then something else came up. It was a list of their songs to listen for different moods. I looked through them. I chose to listen to Addict with a Pen. I don't remember why I specifically picked that one, maybe it was the mood it was under, maybe it was the title, I'm not sure. But I'm glad AWAP was my first song. And I'm definitely glad I got into them.

Alright, have a good day everyone! I'm not sure when I'll be updating next, but hopefully soon.

Stay alive |-/

Oh, and don't forget to eat something <3

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