Chapter Forty Nine

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A/N This is the last time I'll mention this, I promise. I just want as many questions as possible. So, if you have any questions, please ask! It can be about me, about my book, about things I like, anything. 

Happy new year by the way! Did anyone do the thing with Trees where the last hello plays at midnight? I meant to, but I forgot when the time came.

The song is Good Times by All Time Low, doesn't really fit the chapter, but none of the songs ever do. I mean, they're not supposed to. They're just the songs that I listen to when I write. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

The door swung open and hit the wall with a thud. Tyler stood in the doorway, horror filling his face as soon as he saw me. He hurried over to me, grabbing bandages from the cabinet. Tears left burning tracks as they rolled down my face. He mumbled things to himself that I couldn't understand as he wrapped the cloth around my wrist. Josh came hurrying up the stairs, stopping once he saw us. Tyler held the bandage tightly, causing more pain to shoot up my arm. I managed to look up at him, tears raced down his cheeks as he focused on helping me. As soon as he finished, he grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me against him. He held onto me tightly as I sobbed into his shirt. 

How could I have done that to him? How could I have caused him so much pain?

Even after I calmed down and had stopped crying, he still held me in his arms, not letting go. "I'm sorry." I said, my voice raw. "I'm so sorry." Tyler rubbed my back, trying to keep me calm. My arm was in so much pain, but I knew I deserved it. For everything I'd ever done, especially for making Tyler and Josh cry. After a few more minutes, Tyler let me go. He slowly stood up, then helped me up off the bathroom floor. He led me to my room and onto my bed, Josh following. We all sat down and I looked down at my hands that were in my lap. Josh put his arm around me and pulled me into him. I repeated my apologies, not that they would do much.

Tyler sighed. "Why?" He asked, his voice full of pain. I swallowed, trying to keep myself from bursting into tears again. "I-I tried to s-stop, but I just couldn't. I had to make everything stop, for everything to be okay for just a moment." I said with small hiccups. Josh started rubbing my arm, trying to comfort me. Tyler looked at me. "Like that? That doesn't help you, it doesn't help anyone. Trust me, I know." I closed my eyes. I knew he was right. Right now at least. But in that moment, when I need everything to stop, it becomes the only solution. It becomes the only way to feel, or sometimes to not feel at all. After that, no one said anything. They both sat on either side of me, and comforted me until I eventually fell asleep. 

When I woke up, I was alone. I was in my bed in an empty room. I felt exhausted, like I could sleep for an eternity. I slowly sat up and got out of bed. They'd never trust me home alone again. I couldn't trust myself home alone again. I walked to the door and out into the hallway. I could hear Tyler and Josh talking downstairs. I quietly headed to the bathroom. I knelt down to where I had been earlier and looked around the floor. Under the cabinet was the blade. I had pushed it under right before Tyler had come in. I grabbed it, looking at the blood stains. I stood up and put it under the faucet, letting water go over and wash them away. Once it was clear again, I left the room and headed downstairs.

As soon as I was at the bottom step, the conversation stopped. Tyler and Josh both looked my direction. Josh gave me a weak smile. I walked over to them with my head down. I stopped in front of where Tyler was sitting and held out my hand. My last blade. "It's the only one I have left, the only one that you didn't find." I said quietly. He quickly grabbed it out of my hand and stuck it in his pocket. He immediately stood up and wrapped his arms around me. I took a shaky breath before apologizing again. Tyler didn't say anything, just held onto me. Josh watched, almost in tears. We all were. Tyler slowly let go of me, and made me look in his eyes. "Promise me you'll never hurt yourself again." He said. I nodded. "I promise." And I meant it. I intended to keep my word this time.

The rest of the day consisted of us watching funny movies. I was never left alone, and they both looked over at me every few minutes to see if I was okay. And I was. Well, as okay as you can be after what happened. I even managed to laugh at Josh's stupid jokes he would make, and Tyler's imitations of the movie characters. 

When the night rolled around and the stars shown in the sky, everyone had gone to bed except me and Tyler. He had suggested we make a fort in the living room to sleep in. I knew it was so I wasn't sleeping alone and so he could keep an eye on me, but I still like the idea. We used all the tables, couches, chairs, and blankets in the house that weren't being used. To say the least, the fort was big. Plenty of space to fit both of us. We lay on the floor, looking up at the blanket ceiling. Tyler sighed and looked over at me. I looked at him. There was love in his eyes, but also pain. Pain and sadness. I couldn't take it. I looked back up at the ceiling. I couldn't look at him while he looked at me like that. I couldn't bear the thought that I had caused so much damage. I scooted closer to him, and rested my head on his shoulder. "I love you so much, I don't know what I'd do without you." I said. Actually, I did know. I knew that I wouldn't be alive with them. He rested his chin on my head. "And I don't know what I'd do without you." He said with a calming voice. Soon after that, we both fell asleep.

A/N Hello! I know it was kind of a sad chapter, and probably oddly written, but I wasn't really sure how to do it. Y'know, originally I had hoped to have the last chapter on chapter fifty, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Sadly though, this story will be coming to an end soon. Most likely only a few chapter left, which is extremely bittersweet. I've loved every moment of this, and I hope you all have too.

I'll stop with the sappyness, It's not even the end yet. So, question of the day!

If you could ask Tyler and Josh one question each, what would you ask?

For Josh, I think I would ask what the first Twenty One Pilots song he heard was before he was in the band.

And for Tyler, I'm not sure. Maybe what his tattoos mean? I don't know. I guess it would depend on how much time I have, how nervous I am, and what pops into my head.

You know what? Let's do two questions today. Would you ever get any tattoos? Have you gotten any tattoos?

I don't have any, but I do want a few when I'm older. I have a few ideas on what I'd want, but not completely sure yet.

I'll see you guys next time, have a good week!

*Side note, if any of you struggle with self harm, please get help. Please try and stop. Even use a rubber band if you have to. I'm so proud of you if you've stopped, or if you're trying to stop, I know how hard it is. You can get through whatever is going on, and I'm always here to talk if anyone needs it, no matter what it's about.*

Stay alive |-/

Oh, and don't forget to eat something <3

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