Until the day we die (KSImon)

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•Pairing: KSI & Miniminter (Simon and JJ)
•Prompt: Simon and JJ will love each other until the day they die.
•Warnings: Smut
•3rd person POV
5 years old
"Simon Minter, five years old, clear head trauma-" Simon drifts in and out of consciousness as doctors bark orders around him- wheeling him fast on a gurney down the bright hallways of the hospital.

An oxygen mask is around his head- his breathing shallow and uneven, the sound of his mum yelling his name fading away as the world spun around him.

And everything went dark.
"Where's my mum?" Simon cries to the nurse who holds him- his small arms clinging around her as tears drip down his cheeks.

"Time of death, 9:30 pm."

The lady holds Simon's small figure in her arms, rubbing his back soothingly- nothing but guilt bubbling inside of her as she comforts the boy.

He was the only survivor of the car crash.
"Simon I need you to be strong." Simon stands in the same hospital, yet it was empty, his family standing in front of him all together and his mum's words echoing in his head.

"I miss you." Simon whimpers out, walking forward and wrapping his arms around his mum's legs- tears streaming down his cheeks.

She kneels down and hugs him back, running her hand through his light blonde hair and holding back tears of her own.

"I want to come with you!" He cries out and grips tightly onto her shirt- his voice shaking as he speaks.

Slowly all of them start to fade away- her shirt slipping out of his fingers as he cries even harder.

"No!" He yells out once they're gone- waking up in his hospital bed with a gasp, doctors standing around him and metal shockers on his chest- everyone breathing out a sigh of relief.

And that was the last he saw of his family.
8 years old
"Simon Minter! Get back here!" Simon giggles as he runs past the multiple patient rooms- saying hi to every person as he runs away from his nurse.

"Sarah! Grab him!" Sarah immediately jumps in front of the small boy- scooping him up in her arms and giggling at him.

"You're the only one he'll listen to around here!" Freya pants out and rests her hands on her knees- Simon sitting contently in Sarah's arms.

"You're getting big Simon! I can barely hold you anymore!" Sarah says and sets Simon down, keeping a hold on his small hand.

"Come on, back to your room you go, it's bed time!" Sarah says and Simon frowns- pulling his hand away and crossing his arms.

"I'll race you there!" Sarah says to encourage him- starting to run down the hallway back to his room, watching as the small boy runs to catch up with her.

"No fair! You got a head start!" Simon pants out when he catches up with Sarah at his room, walking with her inside and hopping up onto his hospital bed.

"Maybe you'll beat me tomorrow." She says and smiles, pulling his blanket over him and tucking him in- kissing his forehead before shutting his light off.

She watches as the small boy drifts off into a peaceful sleep, his breathing evening out and his body relaxing against the mattress.

He's been here for three years now, and not once has he been outside- of course it doesn't bother him because he's so young, but Sarah worries he'll get more curious when he's older.

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