Chapter 32:The Piano Knows Something I Don't Know

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Kissing Fading Scars (Panic! At The Disco/Spencer Smith FanFiction)


Chapter 32:The Piano Knows Something I Don't Know


*Andromeda's P.O.V.*

Sarah, Breezy, and I had the whole baby shower planned out. It was going to be a week after Spencer got off the tour so Mom, Dad, Mike, Vic, and Jaime could come down and settle for a few days. And speaking of getting off tour, Spencer is supposed to be home in an hour. An hour! One hour! I was dressed in some sweat pants, a tank top, and socks, completely relaxed, but still super excited to see Spencer. My hair was in a loose and messy bun. I had my glasses on, which was strange because I started wearing contacts. I didn't have any eyeliner or make-up on, so I probably looked like a total crack-head. I made myself some coffee and slowly sipped the brew, trying not to drink it too fast so I wouldn't throw it up.

The doorbell rang and I eagerly waddled over to answer it as fast as I could go with my big belly. I opened it and screamed in happiness. Spencer was home! "Hi, baby." He said, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me. I kissed back and stood on my tippy toes since Spencer was so fucking tall. "I missed you so much!" I giggled before kissing him again. "I missed you, too, baby. How's the baby?" Spencer asked, setting his suitcase by the door and following me into the kitchen as I waddled. "She's doing great. I went to the doctor yesterday to get another ultrasound. She said that Mayhem is healthy and will be due in about two to three months."

I pointed to the picture on the fridge of Mayhem. "She's beautiful." Spencer breathed, taking the picture off of the fridge and placing his large hand on the small of my back. "She's ours, Spencer." I said, placing my hand on his cheek, feeling his rough scruff. I looked at Spencer's lips before looking back at his pure sapphire blue orbs. I stood back on my tippy toes and pressed my lips to Spencer's soft ones. "I love you. You know that, right?" I asked, turning around to where I faced Spencer. "Of course. And I love you." He cupped my face and kissed me again, both of us smiling into the kiss.

"So, what is Mayhem's middle name going to be?" Spencer asked, wrapping his arms around me as best as he could because of my stomach. "I used to have an old friend named Eslie. I really liked the name, so I thought Mayhem's middle name could be Eslie. Mayhem Eslie Perry? What do you think?" I asked, placing my hands on Spencer's shoudlers. He nodded and kissed me again before putting one of his hands in his jean pocket. Spencer grabbed one of my hands with his free hand before leading me into the backyard, on the porch.

"Speaking of names. I thought I could change yours." Spencer said. I gave him a confused look before he got on one knee and pulled a small black velevet box out of his pocket. I covered my mouth and began to cry. "Andromeda George Perry, will you do me the honor of being the happiest man and father on the planet and be my wife?" I was at loss of words, so I just nodded, my red hair flying everywhere. Spencer slid the thick wedding ring band onto my left ring finger before standing up and kissing me again, just longer. "After the baby shower and Mayhem being born, we can plan the wedding." I said, kissing Spencer again. He smiled before wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. "I love you." Spencer whispered against my neck. "I love you, too." I told him, kissing his temple.


*Andromeda's P.O.V.*

Today was the day of the baby shower for Mayhem. Mayhem Eslie Smith. Dad, Mom, Jaime, Mike, Vic, Ana, Keegan, Tiffany, even the cast was here. I hugged Andy, Norman, Steven, Laurie, Lauren, Emily,Dania, and Chandler before hugging everybody else. A guy named Pete Wentz was here and he was really sweet. I was sitting in a chair, presents surrounding it. I was super happy about this. Spencer had his hands on my shoulders and kissed my lips. I saw Chandler clench jaw before moving away from us. I felt bad for Chandler that he didn't like mine and Spencer's relationship.I eventually forgave him for what he did when he was drunk the night that Spencer left.

I loved the presents that everyone got for Mayhem. Dad got her a hand sewn black Key Street onesie along with a small lime green turtle pillow toy. Mom got Mayhem a Love Before Glory baby beanie. Vic, Mike, and Jaime all pitched in to get Mayhem a Pierce The Veil hoodie that had her name embroidered into it. The cast got her tons of Walking Dead stuff. Norman got her a If Daryl Dies We Riot onesie that had him on the front. Andy got Mayhem a Stuff and Thangs onesie that had Rick in the front. I think I liked the toys the best.

Dad got Mayhem a guitar pillow toy, Mom got her a green turtle blanket, Vic got her a microphone pillow toy, Jaime got her another guitar pillow that he claimed was a bass, and Mike got her two drum pillow toys. The cast got Mayhem pillow toys of their characters and Dania even got her a play katana sword while Norman got her a play crossbow. I think my favorite thing out of everything we got was the blanket that had Hershel on it and said Spaghetti Tuesday's On Wednesday's. I hugged everybody and put everything to the side before kissing Spencer.

After the baby shower, Spencer and I carried everything to Mayhem's room, which was right across from ours. I had painted the walls lime green and dark blue on every single wall with different color turtles. There was a black crib in the corner of the room where I set all of Mayhem's toys and blankets. I put her clothes and onesies in the small drawer on the other side of the room where her diapers and other things were. I turned off the light and closed the door before going to mine and Spencer's room where he was shirtless.

I slipped out of my jeans and took off my socks before turning on the ceiling fan and getting into bed. I kissed Spencer before turning off the lamp and falling asleep.





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