Chapter 2:Father Father, Tell Me, Where Have You Been

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Author's Note:Just in case some readers didn't know, last chapter's title was a song title from Pierce the Veil. Ok, anyway please enjoy Chapter 2 of Baby Blue Eyes!


Kissing Fading Scars (Chandler Riggs FanFic)


Chapter 2:Father Father, Tell Me, Where Have You Been?


*Andromeda's P.O.V * (I promise I will put different point of veiws in later, but for the first few chapters it will just be Andromeda's. Kay, please enjoy!)

Keegan and I walked into the school, my skateboard tucked under my arm. All of the girls were running around like chickens with their head cut off, making sure their hair was absolutely perfect and their make-up wasn't smudged. All the guys were looking at some places they shouldn't be looking at whilst the girls ran around. I pushed through the crowd of frantic girls, just to get to my full-sized locker.

I spun in the combination, flicked up the switch, and threw open my locker. I put my skateboard in, grabbed my black and red binder and Eragon book, before slamming my locker shut. I, again, pushed through the massive crowd of fangirling girls and finally found my first period class. Reading. I slipped into the classroom and found my seat before opening my binder and writing down my agenda.

Soon, boys and girls started pouring into the classroom, searching for their seats and friends. Since the desks were two people desks nobody ever sat by me, but that never bothered me. The teacher walked in with three new students, two boys and one girl. The girl had brownish black hair with baby blue bangs and hazel eyes. The first boy had really blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. The third boy had chestnut hair and sparkling blue eyes.

"Ok class, we have three new students. Ms. Mane, Mr. Reedus, and lastly Mr. Riggs." The teacher began to see if their were any seats left for them to sit at, but I didn't seem to notice because I was too busy working on my sketching. "Ok, Mr. Reedus, you can have a seat next to Ms. White." My head shot up, and the boy seemed to notice, so he came and sat beside me. "Oh, and Ms. White? Would you please show Mr. Reedus, Ms. Mane, and Mr. Riggs around the school during advisory since you all have the same teacher."

I couldn't say no to Mrs. Clemmons. I mean I really can't say no or I'll get in trouble. I nodded and continued to work on my drawing. Suddenly a smooth voice said, "I'm Mingus." I turned my head and saw the blonde sticking his hand out for me to shake. "Andromeda, but my friends call me Andie." I informed, taking and shaking his hand. Mingus gave me a genuine smile before saying, "That's my best friend, Chandler, over their." He pointed to the kid with chestnut hair. I nodded in understanding and put my sketching up, seeing the teacher beginning to teach.

Reading was as boring as ever and the rest of my classes were unexciting. I found out the girl's name was Anastasia. She seems pretty cool. I think Keegan will like her. Anyway, Chandler, Mingus, Anastasia, and I have all of our classes together. Soon, advisory came and I told my teacher that I would have to show Anastasia, Chandler, and Mingus around. Right now, we are walking down the hall,

"Ok, this is the Boy's Bathroom and past those two staircases and that elevator is the Girl's Bathroom." I informed, pointing down to the Girl's Bathroom. "Down the hall from the Girl's Bathroom is the Library, which as a lot of excellent books." I, again, pointed down the hall, but passed to Girl's Bathroom. I began walking down the hall with them in tow. "The Main Office is right there." I said, looking through the glass doors.

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