Chapter 30:From A Mountain In The Middle Of The Cabins

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Kissing Fading Scars (Spencer Smith/Panic! At The Disco FanFiction)


Chapter 3:From A Mountain In The Middle Of The Cabins


*Spencer's P.O.V.*

Andie was pregnant. Andie was pregnant with my child, our child. I missed kissing and leaving love bites on Andie's pale, but soft skin. I sighed and sat in my bunk, grabbing my laptop and logging into a local jewelry store. I went into the engagement ring part and began to look through the rings, none of the rings matching Andie's personality. I wanted to ask her to marry me the moment she turned eighteen years old and we made love. I was looking through the black diamond portion when I saw the perfect ring. Andie loved nature, especially climbing trees to look at all the little details in the bark. I remember her climbing our oak tree in the backyard in only her sports bra and cute matching boxers.


"Andie." I called, walking into the backyard, only in a pair of my black basketball shorts. I heard the leaves rustle in the large oak tree followed by familiar giggling. I smiled and went down the porch steps and saw Andie sitting down on a tree branch, her black painted fingernails slowly gliding over the rough bark. "It's beautiful." Andie whispered, still admiring the markings in the deep wood. I approached her and grabbed the back of her legs, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Hi, baby." She said, slowly slipping out of the oak tree and into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her waist while her legs snaked around my hips, her arms resting on my shoulders. I smiled and puckered my lips, only for Andie to giggle and lean down to kiss me, smiling.

*End of Flashback*

The ring was perfect for her. It had a thick silver band that was carved in the design of tree bark. There were tiny leaves in random places, clear or grayish diamonds in the center of the leaves. The black diamond in the middle was designed to be wrapped in vines and was carved into the shape of a rose. I could add little things on the inside and out of the silver band since it was so thick. I added a pair of drum sticks, a guitar pick, and music notes. I added a heart that had our initials plus each other on the inside of the band. After I was finished, I added all of the little things up and clicked the button that showed the price.

The ring was a total of four thousand dollars and fifty-six cents. I clicked 'buy' and saw the ring was going to be put into storage for a few days before they started working on it. Only three months before I get to see my beautiful girlfriend and, if Andie says yes, fiancè. I just have to wait for three more months until I got home to ask. Be patient, Spencer.

*Andie's P.O.V.*

After I found out I was three months pregnant, I began to realize how fast I was growing. At first it was just a small bump. Now, you could see me from thirty feet away and realize I was pregant. Breezy, Sarah, Brendon, Kenneth, Zack, Dad, Mom, Mike, Vic, Jaime, Tiffany, Ana, and Keegan know I am pregant and all want to pitch in to help with the baby. I talked to a doctor and was told that I was due sometime in the next five to six months, so I would have to get an ultrasound in about two months. Meanwhile, Breezy and Sarah were at the house, helping me with everything they possibly could.

I had one of my arms around Sarah's shoulders while my other was gripping the staircase railing. Sarah had her arm wrapped around my waist and the other holding my hand that was around her shoulders. Once we got to the bottom of the stairs, Sarah let go. "Thank, Sar." I said, brushing my red hair out of my face, "No problem, Strawberry." I slightly waddled over to the couch and sat down beside Breezy, petting Boba-Fett's head.

Modern Family was on and I started laughing when Cam and Gloria were running around town screaming 'STELLA?!' I propped my feet up and began to think about names for the baby. Was it a girl or a boy? I always thought Serenity was a good name. It wasn't really a boyish name for a girl, but I liked the name Rylen. Or Jaden. Serenity Rylen Jaden Perry. Rylen Serenity Jaden Perry. Jaden Serenity Rylen Perry. Serenity Jaden Rylen Perry. No, those names were too much.

Rylen Serenity Perry? Serenity Rylen Perry? Jaden Rylen Perry? Rylen Jaden Perry? Serenity Jaden Perry? I had plenty of time to think of names, but I was just nervous. I was brought out of my thoughts by my stomach grumbling in hunger. I sighed and looked at my stomach, mumbling, "You are one hungry baby." and getting up to go to the fridge. I grabbed a bottle of water and a string cheese stick before going back to sit on the couch with Breezy and Sarah. I nibbled on the food slowly, trying to savor it, before drinking some of my water.

I put my flaming red hair in a pony tail before carefully getting up and throwing my trash away. I felt a familar feeling in the back of my throat and groaned whilst waddling to the bathroom. I slammed the door and fell to my knees before throwing up the food and all the water. There was a knock at the door as soon as I flushed the toilet, "Andie? Are you okay?" Sarah asked before knocking on the door a few times once again. "Yeah. Fine." I answered, getting up and washing out my mouth of the horrific taste. I wiped my mouth before leaving the bathroom, turning off the light, and rubbing my belly as I sat back on the couch.

Breezy grabbed my hand and held it, giving me a comforing smile. I returned a weak smile and intertwined our fingers, leaning my head against her shoulder. I felt her set her head on top of mine before Boba-Fett and Shotgun jumped on the couch beside us. Sarah managed her sit between Boba-Fett and I before resting her arm over my shoulder and hugging me. It felt good to actually have some girls around and to have someone around while Spencer was gone. "I love you, guys." I said, looking at Sarah and Breezy, smiling. "We love you, too." The both said in unison before hugging me. We sat on the couch and watched Modern Family before Sarah got an idea. "We should go baby shopping and maybe plan a baby shower."

"Sarah... That is a great idea!" I beamed, hugging her again, "Let's wait after we get my ultrasound before we plan the baby shower, but maybe we can go shopping for baby stuff and make the baby its own room." Breezy looked at me, brushing her dark brown hair out of her eyes, "Do you want to go now or...?" I thought a minute before answering, "Why don't we go in a few minutes? We can get it done and then we can discuss where and how we want to decorate the baby's room." I suggested, looking at both Sarah and Breezy. They both nodded and Sarah went to get my Key Street hoodie and black Vans.

When she came back, I slipped on my Key Street hoodie over my head, covering my tank top, and slipped on my Vans, letting Breezy tie them for me. I stood up, grabbed my phone, wallet, and care keys before leaving with Sarah and Breezy. We got in my red Hyundai and drove to the nearest Wal-Mart. I parked as close as I could to the door and waddled inside with the help of Breezy while Sarah pushed the basket. "To the Baby Section!" I announced in Mermaid Man's voice whilst holding my fist up in the air and waddling slightly faster. Sarah and Breezy both giggled at my silliness and followed suit, following me.

Once we got there, a woman that looked around thirty years old was looking at baby diapers. I went to grab some baby wipes when the lady looked at me. She must have noticed my hair, my piercings, my tattoos, and how young I was before throwing me a disgusted look. I tried my best to ignore her looks she kept tossing at me. I chose Pampers Babies wipes and grabbed a few of the containers off the shelf, putting them in the basket. Sarah, Breezy, and I bought baby wipes, baby diapers, pacifiers, bottles, even a few toys. Sarah and Breezy insisted on paying for everything, so we all joined money to pay.

When we got home, we put everything everything in the closet in the basement before going back upstairs.

Hey turtles. Sorry it took so long to update. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will begin to make the next one. BYEEEEE!!!!





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