Chapter 36:Love Like A Tidal Wave

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(Andie's wedding dress)

Kissing Fading Scars (Spencer Smith/Chandler Riggs FanFiction)

Chapter 36:Love Like A Tidal Wave

*Andromeda's P.O.V.*

I woke up to Mayhem lightly hitting her balled up thumb against my chin. Kissing her head, I held her to my bare chest as I sat up in bed. Spencer went to the studio to work on the new album and didn't come home last night. Brendon and Dallon texted me saying that they were fine and he was just tired and crashed at the studio. I fell asleep breast feeding Mayhem, so I was naked except for a pair of blue panties.

Mayhem was really getting the hang of breast feeding. She whined when she was hungry and held her arms up in the air. She always got fed first and then the grown ups. Boba-Fett and Shotgun were gentle when they were around her. Spencer was constantly leaving and coming home late, reeking of liquor and smoke. I loved him to death, but I didn't like him going to where he was.

"Babe, I'm home!" I heard Spencer shout from downstairs. I slipped a button up shirt over my bare shoulder, not bothering to cover anything up. Placing Mayhem on my hip, I went downstairs. Spencer was in the kitchen, a glass of water in his hand. I was happy to see that he wasn't drinking. He smirked when he saw what I was in. I set Mayhem in her baby seat thing before walking into the kitchen.

"How was recording?" I asked, opening the refrigerator. "Good. Got a lot of songs finished and recorded." Spencer answered, taking a swig of water from his glass. "That's great. You know what we need to do? Plan our wedding." I said, shutting the refrigerator door. Suddenly, Spencer picked me up and set me on the counter. His lips were hard against mine, our teeth roughly clashing together. My legs were hooked our Spencer's middle whilst my hands were in his hair. One hand was gripping my hip whilst the other pressed the small of my back.

"Baby, we are going to get the wedding prepared and ready. Just promise me you will wait." Spencer said, leaning his forehead against mine. I nodded and kissed his lips softly. "Okay." I said, sucking in my bottom lip. He softly kissed my temple before ghosting down to my ear. I gasped lightly as he nipped at my ear lobe. "Spence." I breathed, feeling his stubble scrape against the sensitive skin of my neck. "Shh, baby." He purred, his hands sliding up my thighs.

I moaned softly, craning my neck so Spencer had more room. He sucked on the end, probably leaving a hickey, before biting it. He tugged the shirt off of my shoulders, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me towards him. I, once again, hooked my legs around his hips, kissing his lips passionately. Grabbing the belt of his jeans, I tugged at it eagerly. Spencer helped me unbuckle his belt, my fingers swiftly unbuttoning his pants. Tugging down his boxers, his erection sprung forward.

Suddenly, the front door swung open. "Hey guy-woah! That is really kinky!" I recognized the voice instantly. Brendon Urie. How the hell did he get a house key from us? After tugging up his boxers and quickly buckling his pants, Spencer wrapped his arms around me. I quickly grabbed my shirt and buttoned it around me. Slipping off the counter, Brendon looked at my ass as I picked up Mayhem. "Dude!" Spencer scolded, smacking Brendon up against the side of his head. "I'm gonna go upstairs and get some pants on." I said, shifting Mayhem on my hip.

"No! You look perfectly fine." Brendon smirked, winking. Spencer groaned while I scoffed. As I left, I heard Spencer hit Brendon and Brendon whimpering. When I made it to the bedroom, I set Mayhem gently on the bed before tugging on some loose sweatpants. I put on a sports bra and slipped into a tank top. Picking May up, I walked back downstairs. "So, why were you half naked anyway?" Spencer asked. Brendon punched his shoulder, whispering, "Don't ask questions."

"I was breast feeding Mayhem. I don't sleep in pants and it was easier to take off my bra." I answered, rubbing Mayhem's hair. Both of the boys nodded. I looked at my phone and saw that I had a text from Sarah. "Shit! I forgot I had to dress and heel shopping with Sarah." I said, handing Spencer Mayhem. I pecked his lips before running upstairs. I changed from sweatpants to skinny jeans and slipped on my black vans. I grabbed my wallet, keys, and phone before almost tripping down the stairs.

"Bye, babe! Bye, Bren!" I shouted going out the door. I dived into my car, shoving the key into the ignition and peeling out of the driveway. I drove to Henry's bridal shop where Sarah was waiting for me outside. "Hey, girl." She greeted with a smile. "Hey, Sar." I replied giving her a hug. "I was busy with the baby and Brendon came over." I said. "Oh, it's fine. Now let's go get you a dress!" She squealed. She dragged me inside and instantly started hunting for a dress. "What color?" She asked, rooting through a rack. "White with matching shoes." I answered.

Sarah yanked a few dresses off of the rack and shoved me into the dressing room. I tried the first one on and looked in the mirror. It was strapless with a corset built in, the shirt big fluffy. The cups were too big for me since I don't have to biggest boobs in the world. "No." I said, taking it off and handing it to Sarah. The next one was skin tight and didn't have any sleeves. The back was gone and had a flowy skirt. I shook my head, "Nope." I took it off and again, handed it to Sarah. I tried on ten more before finding the perfect one. It was lacey with sleeves that went to my elbows. The back was gone, showing a few tattoos. The skirt was shorter in the front and longer in the back. It was perfect.

I took it off and got dressed. "This is the one." Sarah smiled and hugged me. "I'm so happy for you." We hugged before Sarah pulled me away to look for the brides maid dresses and shoes. The brides maid had blood red dress, no matter what style. The heels I got were white with white lace stretched over it. Sarah got a brides maid dress with matching heels. We paid for everything and went home, Sarah taking my dress and heels to hide from Spencer. When I got home, Brendon was gone and Spencer was on the computer.

"What are you doing, babe?" I asked, plopping down on the couch beside him. "Planning our wedding." He answered, kissing me. I smiled and kissed his lips again. We planned our wedding, having it in a few weeks. We were going to have it in San Diego on the beach. The wedding was going to be a simple design of white and red.

I couldn't wait.

Hey guys! So for the next few chapters it mainly going to be about Andie and Spencer getting married and everything. I promise Andie/Chandler is coming back. So I have a question for all of my readers. Werewolves or vampires??

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