Chapter 22:Whisper Babe, I'm As Good As It Gets In This Town

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Kissing Fading Scars (My Second FanFiction)


Chapter 22:Whisper Babe, I'm As Good As It Gets In This Town


*Andromeda's P.O.V.*

I was sitting on the couch in the back lounge, talking with Sarah and waiting for Brendon and Spencer to wake up so we could go swimming at the beach. "Hey, Sarah? Is it okay if I borrow a swimsuit?" Sarah nodded and went to her bunk to get me one. I went to mine and Spencer's bunk to get me a tank top and some shorts. I grabbed a Key Street muscle shirt and some shorts that showed the pockets. As I went to the bathroom to take off the wrap for my tattoos, Sarah handed me a black bikini. Luckily, Zach did a fantastic job and covered all of my scars. I entered the bathroom and quickly changed, taking off the wrap for my tattoos. They all came out great, the house on my right arm, the turtle on my left, the Phoenix feather on my stomach, and the anchor on my thigh.

And the scary thing was, Sarah and I were the same size in everything. EVERYTHING. I pulled my hair up in a bun and put on my prescribed Ray-Ban black shades. I took out my stud lip piercing and put in my barbell in case my stud fell out while I was swimming. I slipped on my Vans without socks, put on some deodorant, and left the bathroom. Spencer was in his swimming trucks and a tanktop along with Brendon. I guess they woke up while I was in the bathroom. "Ready?" I asked, kissing Spencer on the lips just as my phone rang. I answered it and realized it was Dad. He told me that the plane landed with the cast on it and we had to to pick them up.

I groaned, but told everybody and the bus driver to go to the airport and to follow Dad's car. In no time, we were at the airport looking for Norman, Emily, Steven, Lauren, Chandler, Anastasia, and Keegan. Zack, Dallon, and Ian decided to stay in the bus and wait for us. I was excited to see Keegan and Ana again, but not so much Chander. "Andie!" I heard a very familar voice shout. I saw Ana and Keegan running toward me in full speed. I left go of Spencer's hand and ran towards them. We met half way and I wrapped my arms around them. After like ten minutes of hugging, we let go only to see Norman running towards me. He picked me up and spun me around.

"You don't know how much we have missed you. After you left we were all mopey and couldn't get our acting right. Kirkmen said if we didn't forget about you and move on we were all going to get fired. But I never forgot about you becaus-" I cut Norman off because he was talking so fast and reminded me of the Mad Hatter. "I missed you, too." I hugged him again and saw Emily, Lauren, and Steven speed walking towards us. I hugged Emily and Lauren before getting tackled by Steven. "Asian!" He shouted, hugging me. Nobody else was Asian on the show so his nickname for me was Asian. As I was hugging Steven, I saw Chandler over Steven's shoulder. He was holding hands with somebody I never wanted to see. Tori fucking White.

I let go of Steven and went over to Ana, who was staring at Brendon. She clasped my arm, her breathing heavy. "When did you start hanging out with Brendon Urie and Spencer Smith and Sarah Orzechowski?" She asked in a weird voice. "I met Spencer about two years ago and met Brendon yesterday." I answered, holding her up. Soon, and to my disappointment, Chandler and Tori made it to us. "Hey, Andie. It's good to see you again." Chandler said, giving me a hug. Damn, his voice got deep. I felt Spencer tense beside me. I let go of Chandler's shoulders and saw Tori glaring at me. "Little sister." She almost spat. Spencer came and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, kissing my cheek. I saw Chandler's jaw clench.

"Oh, Chandler. This is my boyfriend Spencer." I said, putting my arm around Spencer's waist. I was talking with Chandler when I heard the familiar, strangely accented voice call me. I saw the girl that kept me going. Tiffany Alan. I, again, let go of Spencer and ran to Tiffany. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up in the air, hearing her squeal. I put her down and saw a girl with pastel blue hair join her side and kiss her cheek. "Andie, this is my girlfriend Kara." I shook Kara's hand and we went back to the group. Okay, that was Dad, Brendon, Spencer, Sarah, Norman, Steven, Emily, Lauren, Chandler, Tori, Ana, Keegan, Kara, and Tiffany. Dad said they already said they booked their hotel, they just had to ride in the bus and some in Dad's van.

I grabbed Spencer's hand and left to go to the bus. Tori, Chandler, Ana, Keegan, Tiffany, and Kara were all getting on the bus while Norman, Steven, Emily, and Lauren go in the van with Dad. We dropped them off at their hotel and told them that we were going to meet them at the beach. Dad picked up Jaime, Vic, Mike, Ziva, and Bentley before following behind us to the beach. The bus driver didn't part too far away from the beach so we could walk. Dad parked beside us and Vic opened the passenger door, letting the two fully grown bulldogs bound towards the bus. I opened the bus door and let the dogs greet me, jumping on me and licking me.

I grabbed Spencer's hand after Bentley and Ziva stopped jumping on me and we walked to the beach. Sarah, Brendon, Dallon, and Ian were right behind us, Zack not wanting to go. Sarah laid down towels for me and her while Brendon, Spencer, Dallon, Ian, Jaime, Vic, Mike, and Dad took off their shirts and ran to the water. I took off my Vans before laying beside Sarah, closing my eyes even though my sunglasses were on. Sarah took off her tank top, exposing her hot pink fringe bikini top and perfect curves. I kept my tank top on, not fully ready to show off my new tattoos and black flounce bikini top. After about thirty minutes, I began to get hot so I went ahead and took off my tank top and shorts, releaving my black flounce bikini top and bottoms that went a bit higher that my hips.

After a few minutes, Sarah and I heard the growling of a motorcycle pull up next to us. We both sat up, pulling our sunglasses to the ends of our noses. There, a few feet away from us, was Norman on his motorcycle with Emily on the back. Norman was in a pair of swim trunks while Emily was in a crop top and shorts. I don't even want to know how they got Norman's bike here. Norman put the kickstand down and turned off the bike, getting Emily get off and then getting off himself. "Y'all aren't going swimming, yet?" Sarah and I shook our heads before putting our shades on the bridges of our noses and laying back down.

Emily got a towel and laid down beside me. "We really missed you." She said after she took off her over clothes and put on her shades. "I missed you guys, too. I literally died without you guys." I said, my eyes closed. Emily, Sarah, and I all talked for a while before a fancy cherry red Ferrari pulled up beside the tour bus, behind us. Of course, Steven, Lauren, Keegan, Ana, Tiffany, Kara, Chandler, and Tori got out. The girls in tank tops and shorts, the guys in tank tops and swim trucks. "Tore, you gonna go swimming with me?" Chandler asked, taking off his tank top and throwing it somewhere. I pushed my sunglasses up higher and laid back down to resist looking at Chandler's six pack. Tiffany took off her tank top and shorts before running to the water along with Kara. Ana and Keegan ran slow motion to the water like they do in the movies.

"Not yet, babe. I'm gonna try to tan before I go." Tori gave Chandler a kiss before laying on a towel beside Sarah. Lauren laid kind of in between Emily and I, but below us. Lauren told me how they all missed me while Tori tried to jump in and tell bad things about me. Everybody ignored her and just continued talking. I could hear the guys yelling at each other and trying to dunk them underwater.

I smiled as I saw Lauren and Emily laugh at something Sarah said. It was so good to have my friends back.

*Chandler's P.O.V.*

Damn, Andie looked good in a bikini. She looked good with tattoos. Especially that tattoo on her stomach that went to her hips. Those bottoms that she was wearing went down to her hips that seemed to curve perfectly. Gosh, why did I have to cheat on her? Andie was perfect for me. I could just break up with Tori and go for Andie, but now I can't. Because she is in love with some stupid drummer who is addicted to drugs. Her brother, the tall one, will probably beat my ass if I make a move on Andie. Can't stop love, right? Andie doesn't love me. If anything, she hates me. More than her sister.

What is wrong with me?


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I absolutely looooove the title. Whisper Babe, I'm As Good As It Gets In This Town. Comment if you think you know the title of chapter 23. Please read my FanFic The Little Red Huntsmen. Okay love you guys! MWAH!!!! hahahaha!!! *smooches*





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