Chapter 21:Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides

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Kissing Fading Scars (My Best And Only FanFiction)


Chapter 21:Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides


*Spencer's P.O.V.*

Starsky and Hutch ended around one o'clock with Andie asleep against my shoulder. I slipped my arm around Andie's waist and hoisted her up into my arms without waking her up. I carried her to the bunk area and set her gently in my bunk. Thinking she wouldn't be comfortable in her shoes and shorts and me being her boyfriend, I took off her Toms and slid her out of her shorts. I put them on top of her suitcase and changed into some night clothes before crawling into my bunk beside Andie.

I took off her glasses and Key Street hat, putting them in a small drawer in my bunk. I wrapped my arms around Andie's waist and pulled her close to me. She let out a sigh in her sleep before putting her head in the space underneath my chin.

It was good to be back.

*Next Morning*

*Andromeda's P.O.V.*

I woke up and yawned. "Morning, beautiful." I looked up and saw Spencer looking down at me. I dug my head into the mattress. "I'm anything, but beautiful in the morning." I groaned, my voice slightly muffled. Spencer grabbed me and straddled my waist, careful not to hit his head on the top of the bunk. "You are beautiful. With or without make-up, you are always going to be beautiful to me." I smiled and leaned up to kiss Spencer. I guess Dallon heard us kissing because he shouted, "Andie! You are far to young to be doing that kind of stuff in that kind of category!"

Spencer jolted upward, hitting his head up against the top of the bunk. He cringed and held the top of his head. I pulled him down on top of me and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, kissing his head. After a few minutes, Spencer rolled over beside me. "God, that hurt." I giggled and kissed his lips roughly before breaking away. Spencer had the same dreamy look in his eyes before he mumbled, "That works too." I giggled again before getting out of our bunk. Luck was definitely my enemy because Ian was walking into the bunk area. He saw I had no pants on, turned around, and left. Well then.

I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom, trying to forget about what just happened. I stripped and put an extra layer of wrapping and gauze around my arms, thigh, and stomach before getting into the shower. I washed my hair and body before rinsing. Whilst doing this, I heard the bathroom door open. "Shit! Sorry, Andie!" I heard Ian curse. Really? Twice in one day? He closed the door quickly and let me finish showering. After a few more minutes, I shut off the water and got out. I dried my body and hair, careful around my gauze and changed into my choice of clothes. A Sleeping With Sirens muscle shirt, yellow tights with some ripped shorts, and my black Vans. I,grabbed my dirty clothes and left the bathroom.

I put my dirty clothes in my separate suitcase and walked to the front of the bus. I plopped on the couch beside Sarah and talked for a bit. I found out she was really nice and didn't deserve the hate Brendon's fans gave her. Sarah told me about the time someone dug deep and she started tearing up a bit. It kind of reminded me of mine and Victoria's old relationship. I wrapped my arms around Sarah's shoulders and hugged her. She held my arms and leaned into me.

"I used to get hate for dating my old boyfriend. He was my first kiss and I truly loved him. He cheated on me with my sister. I don't know if Brendon told you, but the reason why I was in the institution with Spencer was because I tried to commit suicide. I tried because of him and because of the hate I got. I know what it's like, Sarah. And somebody like you shouldn't go through that." By the end of my story, tears were falling freely down both of our faces. Sarah clutched me and we both cried. After a while, we wiped our tears and let go of each other. "I think after that, we are officially best friends." I laughed and nodded.

"Let's go ahead and go to the venue. Brendon, Spencer, Ian, Dallon, and Zack already left to go get ready. Maybe after the show you can show us around San Diego?" I nodded, "Of course, Sarah." We linked arms and walked off the bus, to the venue. We found Spencer, Brendon, Dallon, Ian, and Zack sitting in their dressing room, getting ready. Spencer was lightly tapping his drum sticks against his thighs. He saw me and gave a quick kiss on the cheek. I smiled and asked Sarah if she wanted to go by the barricade to let the guys get ready.

"Sure." We both linked arms once again and found the barricade. Zack walked with us in case any crazy fans started something. When we got there, they all screamed and started yelling our names, asking for autographs and pictures. I saw a shy girl with pastel pink hair holding out a camera. "C-can I get a picture?" I nodded, "Of course you can." I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and snapped the picture. I smiled at her and gave her back her camera. Sarah and I signed a few more things and took pictures with some people before going back inside.

The guys were about to go on stage. Spencer gave me a kiss on the lips and a hug. "Good luck, babe." I said, giving one more kiss before he went on stage with Brendon, Dallon, and Ian. Dallon was on mine and Sarah's side of the stage, but we still had a good view of Spencer and Brendon. They played The Ballad of Mona Lisa, Nine In The Afternoon, New Perspective, I Write Sins Not Tragedies, Lying Is Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off, Mad As Rabbits, Let's Kill Tonight, There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey But You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet, That Green Gentlemen, and Northern Downpour.

When they came off stage, they all gave us big, sweaty hugs. It sucked for me because I was one of the shortest... And then there's Ian. Spencer kissed me and picked me up before running off to the bus, Brendon, who was carrying Sarah, close behind. I giggled the whole way there and let Spencer set me on the couch before going to get a shower. It didn't take him long before he came out fully clothed, his hair still slightly damp, and his chin completely shaved. He looked exactly like he did in the A Fever You Can't Sweat Out time period.

Brendon went to go take a shower, so I talked to Sarah and Spencer. "I can show you guys around San Diego, if you want me to." I said, looking at both of them. They both nodded and we waited on Brendon, Dallon, Zack, and Ian. I called Dad and told him we could go to the beach tomorrow and that all of us were going to go through San Diego. He was pissed about something and told me that the cast was visiting because they found out that I got released. Greeeaaat. Note the sarcasm.

Zack, Dallon, Ian, Brendon, Spencer, Sarah, and I all exited the bus and began to walk through the streets of San Diego. I showed them the mall, the cinema, and a few other places before we went to eat. We all stayed out pretty late before going back to the bus, watching a movie, and then either staying awake or going to sleep.

Hey guys! Sorry this is so short and late. I just made my Walking Dead FanFiction. Its called The Little Red Huntsmen. Please Please PleererreSr chest it out. What was that?  ^ Sorry. Anywhore, please go check it out! BYE! MWAH!!!! *smooches*





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