Chapter 12:Tally It Up, Settle The Score

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(Hey guys! I'm dedicating this chapter to one of my friends on Wattpad XXcrossbowprincessXX. She is an awesome FanFiction writer. So go check out her FanFics. Now, please enjoy Chapter 12:Tally It Up, Settle The Score!!!!!!)


Kissing Fading Scars (Chandler Riggs FanFic)


Chapter 12:Tally It Up, Settle The Score


*Andromeda's P.O.V.*

I got Anastasia's, Keegan's, Mingus's, and Chandler's phone numbers on my phone and Skype names in my Kindle. I was now video chatting with all of them. I was in the living room with Jaime, Vic, Mike, and Tony. Bentley and Ziva were being held like a king and queen by Jaime and Mike. "Look at it." I said, adjusting my shoulder to let them all look at my 'tattoo' and showing them my pierced lip. "You lucky bitch!" Ana and Keegan snorted both playfully. I giggled and heard Tony's phone ring. "Hello? Kalel? Oh, hey." I smiled rather triumphantly before returning to my friends. "Hey, babe, Mingus and I have to go. I love you, see you tomorrow." Chandler said. I frowned, "Okay. Bye, babe. MWAH!" I blew him a kiss before watching him a Mingus hang up.

"Okay, guys. Guess who is in my living room?" They both shrugged. I turned the Kindle to point to Vic, Mike, and Jaime. I almost dropped my Kindle when Keegan and Ana screamed. "ErMerGerd. Perce Ther Verl." I started laughing hysterically at what Ana said. Jaime jumped up and grabbed my Kindle, bringing it close to his face. "Oh my God. You guys are absolutely beautiful." Ana and Keegan both laughed. Jaime handed me Ziva and I scratched her stomach. Mike, Vic, Jaime, and Tony spent like an hour talking to Ana and Keegan while I played with Ziva and Bentley.

"Guys! Stop being whores and give me my friends back!" I whined, rolling off of the couch and onto Tony's fluffy carpet. Vic gasped, "If anything, Jaime is the whore." We all started laughing hysterically before Keegan and Ana had to go. "Bye, my beautifuls." I said, blowing each of them a kiss. They returned it and we hung up at the same time. I got up and got a Monster out of the fridge before cracking it open and taking a sip. "Why don't we take Bentley and Ziva to the beach and go swimming?" Mike asked, taking a drink of his blue Monster.

We all agreed, so I ran upstairs to change and put my phone and Kindle up. I changed into my black and electric blue bikini before putting on some jean shorts and my Panic! At The Disco tank top. I took my eyeliner off and put on my Vans before literally jumping down the stairs. Tony and Jaime had Ziva and Bentley on their collars and had their leashes. "Let's goooo!" I shouted, opening the door of the house. Ziva and Bentley eagerly yanked at their leashes, wanting to get out of the beach house. We walked down to the beach and soon reached the sandy ground. I took off my Vans and stripped down along with Tony, Vic, Mike, and Jaime.

I took Ziva and Bentley off of their leashes so they explore. They already grew attached to Tony and I so they wouldn't stray far. Jaime picked me up and sprinted towards the water. I screamed and beat on his back to put me down, but of course, the crazy Mexican didn't listen. He threw me into the water, but I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me. When I surfaced and made it to shore, Mike wrapped a fluffy towel around my shoulers to keep me warm. I walked around a bit and noticed a girl sitting alone on a sand dune. She had long black and purple hair in the style of mine. She had on shorts, a tank top, and Vans.

"Hi." I said, loudly enough to get her attention. She lifted her head and looked at me with big brown eyes. I climbed up the dune and sat beside her. I heard some of the sand sliding and saw Ziva and Bentley trying to climb up. I grabbed them and handed Bentley to the girl. "I'm Andromeda and that's Bentley." She smiled and slowly petted Bentley's soft head. "I'm Tiffany." The girl, Tiffany, had a cool accent like Andrew's. Bentley licked Tiffany's fingers and nudged her hand with his head. I saw a pink strap by Tiffany's neck and realized it was a bathing suit. I awkwardly asked, "Um, do you want to go swimming?" Tiffany looked up with slight tears in her chocolate brown eyes.

I looked and instantly knew what was going on. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and whispered, "Stop. A girl as sweet and beautiful as you shouldn't do this to yourself. I know what it's like, but you need to stop." Tiffany leaned into me and started silently crying. I rubbed her back and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. After a while, Tiffany stopped crying and dried her tears. "Why don't we ask my dad if you can come over." I nudged her shoulder, "It could be fun!" Tiffany laughed slightly and nodded. We grabbed Ziva and Bentley and went to find Pierce The Veil. I saw Vic and Jaime laying on the beach together and then Mike and Tony dunking each other underwater.

Tiffany grabbed my arm, "You're with Pierce The Veil?" I smiled and nodded before shouting Tony's name. He ran up and I asked him, "Hey, this is Tiffany. Is it okay if we go hang out at the house?" Dad nodded before greeting Tiffany, running back, and jumping on Mike. Jaime came up and hugged Tiffany and me before sticking a huge wad of cash into my hand. "Go look around San Diego and make sure you have your phone. Bye as much as you want, but stay under the limit." He kissed both of our heads before we ran back to the house. Ziva and Bentley stayed at the beach with Vic and Jaime to get some more outside time.

I opened the door to Tony and I's beach house and let Tiffany in first. "Welcome to my humble abode." Tiffany looked around in awe, "Whoa." I giggled, "Wait till you see my room." I led her up to my room and let her in first. Tiffany explored, but didn't mess anything up. She laughed when she got up to my balcony. "I see you like Spencer Smith." I had a huge obsession over Spencer from Panic! At The Disco. I had a lot of his photos on my ceiling so I could see him when I woke up. I had A Fever You Can't Sweat Out and Pretty. Odd painted on my walls along with Let's Cheer To This and Collide With The Sky.

"Do you need some clothes to change into?" I asked, noticing the sand stains on her white tank and blue shorts. Tiffany shook her head, "No. I don't want to be a burden." I widened my eyes, "Why would you be a burden? Your my friend!" I dug through my closet and found a danisnotonfire tank top and some red skinnies for Tiffany. "Try those on while I go get in the shower. Feel free to listen to my music." I pointed to my CD collection and stereo. I grabbed some clothed and went to the bathroom. I showered and tried to get all of the sand off of me and sea salt out of my hair. I got out smelling like mangos and strawberries. I dried my hair and body before dressing in my white AmazingPhil tank top, striped skinny jeans, and, of course, my black Vans.

I applied my eyeliner and some mascara before putting in my red plugs. I put on my black Key Street snapback that Tony gave me and exited the bathroom to hear Tally It Up, Settle The Score by Sleeping With Sirens playing. "Tally up those points for me. We're settling the score. After everything we've started. You're gonna keep begging me for more." I screeched, walking and putting my dirty clothes into my dirty clothes hamper. Tiffany laughed and we danced around and screamed Pierce The Veil and some more Pierce The Veil before leaving.

I gave Tiffany half of the money, which was like seventy bucks, grabbed two Monsters, and left to go explore and buy shit. We went to the San Diego Mall and made a b-line to Hot Topic. We rummaged through the different band merch before finding what we wanted. I got two Pierce The Veil shirts, three band bracelets, and two Sleeping With Sirens shirts. I also bought size 10 Pierce The Veil gauges. Tiffany bought a whole load of stuff before we left to go spend our money probably on food.

We traded phone numbers and hung out for the rest of the day. We bought some hair dye for Tiffany because she said her hair was boring. We planned on dying her hair tomorrow so we could start early. We both departed and I walked home, taking gulps from my Monster. I walked up the stairs to the house, unlocked it, and went inside. All of Pierce The Veil were talking and drinking a colored Monster. Tony hugged me and that caused a chain reaction of all of them hugging me. I went to my room, changed into a huge shirt and some of my boxers before crawling into bed.

Ziva and Bentley snuggled into my sides and I fell asleep from all of the good times with my new bestfriend, Tiffany.

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go check our my bestfriend (and sista) XXcrossbowprincessXX   She writes awesome FanFics that you will absolutely love!

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