Chapter 41:Sometimes I Cry So Hard From Pleading

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Chapter 42:Sometimes I Cry So Hard From Pleading

*Andromeda's P.O.V.*

Dallon, Brendon, Spencer, and Mayhem were all missing. Kenneth, Zack, Sarah, and Breezy soon went missing after that as well. I barely remember any of it. I hung out with Matt, and his friends. They were awesome, always making me smile through the pain with their funny jokes. Manon kept me company. It was about a week after staying with Matt when I got the phone call. I was hanging out in his living room with Matt, Brandon, Jason, Manon, and Chandler.

'I'm sorry to inform you, Mrs. Smith, but we have found your husband. He was found dead.' The woman had said in a boring voice, obviously not caring one bit. I dropped the phone with a completely blank face, the screen shattering as it met with the floor. Brandon asked me what was wrong. "He's dead. Spencer's dead. All because of some jealous bitch." I answered, looking at the tattoo of his name on my finger. I didn't cry. I was done crying.

They were all silent, shock written over their faces. Manon tried to comfort me, but I pushed her away. "I just need to be left alone." The next phone call was about Dallon and Brendon. They were found both dead. They were face down in the middle of a muddy park. I didn't cry for them. Next to be found was Kenneth and Zack in front of a warehouse building, both face down. Breezy' discovery wasn't with Sarah like I thought it would be with. Hers was terrible.

Breezy was found in a ditch halfway filled with muddy rain water. Beside her was her daughter and son, all of them covered in their own blood. That wasn't right. They didn't deserve to die like that. Nobody did. Sarah was found everywhere. Her remains scattered like puzzle pieces. Whoever did this was just some sick bastard who wanted attention. Mayhem wasn't found, yet. I didn't cry because I knew that they wouldn't want me to cry. I barely remembered anything.

The crimes scenes, the flashing cameras, the news porters shoving microphones in my face. The one thing that I remembered was Spencer's funeral. This mother yelled at me, saying it was my fault. Matt and Manon came with me, hugging and comforting me. I said that I missed Spencer and I would do anything to bring him back. I missed our child and that I would never forget him. His wedding ring was now on a chain that I wore around my neck.

Matt and I formed a relationship. I was broken and I wanted to feel something since Spencer was gone forever. We were both alone and wanted it so bad. So, we did it. For that whole night, I forgot about Spencer's wedding ring on the chain around my neck. It was just me. I left Matt. He made me happy and meant everything to me, along with Manon, but I needed to face my past.

The next morning, Matt's arm was draped across my hips heavily. I lightly slid out from under it, replacing my body with a large pillow. After clipping on my bra, I found my underwear that he had removed the night before. Finding my clothes in different places around the room, I got dressed. I packed my bag, gave Matt a kiss on the temple, and left the bedroom. Manon was asleep on the couch where she had been watching T.V. I kissed her forehead before slipping out the front door and into my car.

I started the car and drove away, on the hunt for Chandler Riggs.

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