Chapter 9:Mad As Rabbits

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Kissing Fading Scars (Chandler Riggs FanFic)


Chapter 9:Mad As Rabbits


*Andromeda's P.O.V.*

I woke up to my phone screaming 'Failing lights! Amass one hundred sleepless nights.' I crawled out of bed to where half of my body was hanging off of the side of it. I blindly searched for my phone while it repeated Vic's voice over and over. I finally found my phone and didn't bother to look at the number before answering. "Hello?" I asked groggily, "Baby Turtle?" An oddly familiar voice answered/asked. I almost fell out of the bed from shock, "Tony?" I almost shouted, "How did you get my number?" Tony answered in an annoyed voice, "I got it from the Atlanda P.D. A girl with oddly blue and black stripped hair in a black Victorian dress gave it to them last night from sharpie markings on her hand. Would you like to tell me about that?"

I sighed, "My parents got arrested and are in jail and now unable to care for me. The only number that I had of a grown-up was yours. Either I go and live with you or I stay in an orphanage." I explained. Tony sighed from the other end of the line, "You.....are so lucky I always wanted a kid." I almost jumped for joy, "So your adopting me?" I could almost hear the smile spread on Tony's face, "Yeah, Jaime always wanted to have a kid around anyway. But, of course, there is a catch. I live all the way in San Diego." Shit. I was going to have to leave Georgia. "But, there is also another catch." Great. "Since I have to go on tour. You can either come with me or go back and stay in Georgia with a few friends." Maybe I could live here with Norman.

"Okay. I'm not giving up this chance to actually live with one of my idols. When can I go pick up my stuff and move it to your place?" I asked, "I already signed the adoption papers so I guess we can go in few weeks because the band and I have to finished the tour." I replied, "That's good so I can start and finish filming." Tony questioned, "Your an actress?" I corrected myself, "Well, no, but I have a part and will be acting." Tony said, "Oh, cool. The guys just came in. Guys say hey!" There was a chorus of 'hey' and 'hi' before Tony continued to talk, "Yeah, we have a few more places to tour before I can come pick you up." We talked a bit more before hanging up. I put my phone away and sat on the bed beside a sleeping Chandler. "Chander." I whispered, moving some hair out of his eyes. "Chandler, baby. Wake up." He stirred and made baby dinosaur noises making me lightly giggle.

I lightly shook his shoulder causing his eyelids to flick open, exposing his crystal blue eyes. I smiled down at my boyfriend, "Morning." He grunted a simple 'morning' in his deep morning voice, got up, and lightly pecked me on the cheek. We walked downstairs and into the kitchen where Emily was drinking a cup of coffee. "Mornin', guys." I gave her a slight wave, "Morning." I yawned. I got a cup down from the cupboard and poured me a glass of coffee. I added milk and sugar before sipping the sweet nectar of life. Soon, Norman came downstairs without a shirt on. I covered my eyes before playfully moaning out, "Oh, God. Go put a shirt on, Norman." Norman came over and hugged my shoulders from behind, "You know you like it." We all laughed and I playfully pushed him off before taking a sip of my brown coffee.

"I was wondering, Andie, if you wanted to stay a few more nights and let your sister come stay, too." I totally forgot about Tori ever since the night before my parents got arrested. "Um, sure, I guess." I quietly replied, "Oh, and we need to go get some clothes from your house, too." I nodded and finished my coffee along with Emily. Norman slipped a shirt on and grabbed his keys. We all got into his truck and made our way to my house. Norman parked in the driveway allowing Chandler and I to hop out. I opened the front door and saw Tori making out with some random guy. I grabbed Chandler's hand and dragged him up the stairs, away from my sister. When we got into my room, Crookshank was eating some of his cat foot. His bowl was still full so I guess he didn't eat much.

He purred and rubbed against my legs, happy to see me. "Hey, boy." I scratched his ears and let Chandler get his food and cat bed. I grabbed a suit case and began to fill it up with my clothes. I realized I was still in Norman's clothes and decided to change, but I didn't take a shower so I just stayed in his clothes. I slipped my Vans on and went into my bathroom that was full of make-up from Tori. I grabbed my eyeliner and mascara before getting my brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, and my deodorant. I also grabbed my razor just in case. I put all of it in my suit case before grabbing Crookshank and going downstairs. Tori was sitting on Chandler's lap, twirling a piece of his hair in between her fingers. Chandler looked really uncomfortable and tried to move, but she wouldn't budge.

"Tori, please get off of my boyfriend." I demanded causing her head to flick to me. "What? Really, Chandler? You'd rather date that rather than this." Tori gestured to her half naked body when she said this. Chandler scrambled to get up before scurrying over to me. "Thank you. Now go pack or stay here so the orphanage can come and get you." I said, picking Crookshank back up and going outside. The guy that was kissing Tori followed us out the door, a little to close for comfort to me. "Can you give me a ride?" He asked Norman, "You got legs. Walk." Chandler and I started laughing hysterically when the guy looked disappointed.

I put my stuff in the bed of the truck and waited for Tori to come out. She had like three huge bags with her that she was dragging. She put them in the bed before climbing in and sliding across Chandler's lap. I mentally growled at her before Norman started the truck and drove to the orphanage. He stopped in the driveway and waited for Tori to get out. "Um, Andie, get out." Tori demanded. "Actually, you need to get out. This is your stop." She glared at me before getting out, getting her bags, and slowly walking up the steps.

I closed the door and Norman took off down the street. I tried to act happy, but the thought of having to leave my friends to go live with Tony was eating me alive. I had to tell someone. Chandler and I were off for the rest of the week because I would get my script and charater in tomorrow and film Wednesday. Ugh, this is so confusing. Norman dropped Chandler and Emily off before going back to the house. I grabbed some clothes and went to the upstairs bathroom. I set my clothes on the counter before stripping down to my bra and underwear. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My scars were faded, but my stomach bulged and I hated it. I started the water on the shower and heaved my head over the side of the toilet. I stuck my finger down my throat and cringed when I felt everything in my stomach come up.

I quietly groaned before flushing the toilet and washing my mouth out. I looked at my stomach and saw it was thinner that it used to be. I smiled before taking off everything and stepping into the steaming hot shower. I washed my hair with my watermelon shampoo and scrubbed my body with my mango bodywash. When I got out, I wrapped my towel around my small body, trying to prevent goosebumps, but failed. I dried my hair and body before changing into a Zombie Elephant tank top, thick stripped skinny jeans, and my Vans.

I put in my thick eyeliner and decided to put my hair in a ponytail. I, of course, swept my bangs to the side and put on a bit of mascara. Just as I exited the bathroom, Norman called my from downstairs. I went down there and saw he was holding my script and charater introduction. I squealed before taking it and running back up the stairs to look at what Scott had written. I was playing a girl named Noxxis Knight, who was thirteen and abused as a child. Wow, that's ironic. She ran away from home when she was ten and taught herself how to survive. Noxxis robbed a weapons store, seeing how she got her sai swords. She had a rough southern accent and an attitude. I think I can play that off.

I put the packet on the bedside table and put my music list on shuffle. New Perspective by Panic! At The Disco came on so I started drawing the scene that they had from their music video. Spencer and Brendon were walking through the school and in outlined words in front of them said 'I Want To Live A Life From A New Perspective'. I set that aside and began to think about what to draw next based on what song. Bulls In The Bronx by Pierce the Veil came on so I drew the madador and the dancer in the room together. I lined 'I'm Sorry I Can't See That You Truly Love Me'.

I became tired so I turned off my music and laid on the bed before slowly falling alseep.






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