31. Played

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Out of all people to call me, I had not expected my ex wife. The distasteful woman loved her games so avoiding her was crucial. I hadn't picked up the phone not even after she called for the sixth time.

After my meeting with the mayor yesturday, I visited a friend of mine at the local hospital. The chief of surgery at the mainland hospital was Garick Hobbes. Garick and I had known eachother since medical school. He filled me in on incoming interns and I asked him to tell a few attendings of the opening on the Island. Word was getting around that our hospital was getting more patients than before and the current pace was pleasant for older attendings.

"I was thinking about asking Philemon but I heard he is a consierge doctor now," I stated.

"If thats what you want to call it," Garick laughed.

I'll admit, I was envious of his position here at the hospital. His corner glass office, his awards. I was not envious of the lack of family pictures and of his 3rd divorce however.

Keeping our visit short, we departed with the usual goodbyes. As the night came and went, the next day brought another meeting with Malcolm Linden. We worked on scenarios and outcomes luckily the visit didn't drag on until night but it did drag on to the late afternoon. Throughout the day even when visiting Malcolm, I had tried to call Allison.

After my twentieth consecutive call, my heart was beating so fast that I couldn't think clearly. After calling Troy and having him check up on her, I was more level headed. I filled her in on my meeting but left out the part about her father. I was unsure about her condition but Troy explained later that day that she was just tired.

That night, last night, Allison and I tried something new. Phone sex was not anticipated but the end result was a lot better than a cold shower. Hearing her voice, her moans was satisfying enough although I'd rath be burried insid her.

Today I was stuck in another long meeting with senator Parker, talking about strategies to help with our case of public opinion. After our meeting, we met up with mayor Gordon for lunch. After lunch my driver took me to a couple of jewelry stores in search of the perfect piece for Allison. It took a while but I finally found the vintage piece I was looking for. In the early evening I ordered takeout and sat in my living room with a nice bottle of scotch.

I was tempted to call Allison but she seemed too tired the last time we spoke. I decided not to push her by calling. A simple text would do.

Call me

I want to hear your voice

The text was sent, leaving me to my thoughts and the bottle of scotch on my coffee table. The only sound left was from the occasional police or ambulence sirens, something you dont hear on the island.

She called a few minutes later and I answered with a wide grin. The sound of her voice put me at ease to no end. It was like having a warm shower after being cold. Cozying up to a fire during winter. Her voice soothed me in ways I couldn't explain. Not to mention her moans could make me hard in a matter of seconds. I would give anything to ravish her, taste her. I'd go hard, rough, just the way she liked it. Briefly I had thought about trying some new things, toys, being tied up, bring a spark and ignite something within her.

After our phone call I decided to take a quick shower, cold of course due to my mind racing with thoughts of Allison. As I was drying off I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly put on a pair of loose sweats and left my room to answer the door.

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