29. His Hands

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In honor of Islands hitting 16k (like holy shit) here is another update. Thanks for all the support, I love yall so much!

Enjoy the chapter, we have 8 more chapters to go.

- Annelie Leddy



Kristi always enjoyed family outings. Thats why the wedding last summer had been full of them. Dinners, movies, hiking, camping, boating, even baseball. Now, a year later, the first day of fall had occured only last week, and that meant the holidays were getting close, meaning family festivities would be held, all planned by Kristi.

As a side note, I must warn you, I am horribly alergic to only one thing on this earth and that is Pumpkin. Yes, the oddest allergy I've ever come by (well that and Melon.)
My parents became aware of this allergy when I was 5, having taken me to a pumpkin patch for the first time in my life. The field was a beautiful sight, one full of dark orange, hues of green and even wine mulberry.
Picking out the pumpkin, touching it and even walking through a field had been fine, it was going inside of the store beside the farm that was the issue.
Walking into the farm structured store, a cool breeze instantly hit me and I was met with a horrible smell. Imitation Pumpkin candles were a deadly experience for me. Being swarmed with the smell made me choke on air, coughing like I had inhaled a vast amount of water. My face was a wonderful shade of red, my lips blue, by the time the ambulence came.

Now, 17 years later, I was walking up the brick path leading to the beautiful brick Inn. Wearing a mulberry wine colored blouse, a short black pleated skirt, black thigh high socks, and black knee length suede boots with a wedged heel. My outfit was something  I had put on in order to boost my confidence, and it did just that. With my hair in curls, a thin knitted hat loosely on top of my head. My heels clicked against the brick path making an echo. 

The fall breeze was perfect, the sun warm on my face but the coolness of the wind accomodated for the warmth.
Turning to go up the front steps I am hit with a smell. This smell was overpowering, so much so that even the fall breeze couldn't lift it away. It was spicy, not like oregano or pepper, not an italian spice so much as a sweet spice. It was overpowering with its tinge of warmth, its sweet hazelnut like undertone.

I was cautious in walking towards the door. Letting out a cough from the horrid smell, I began to feel a funny sensation like the cells in my body were warning me already. As I opened the front door, I was hit even harder with the spicy scent only this time it smelled worse, like cinnemon and orange. The smell was so overpowering that I began to gag. The sensation of my cells, firing up from the scent began to burn through the skin of my arms, nostrils and neck.

"Hello?" I called out with a horrendous cough. Wheezing until finally a voice called out in response.

"Alison?" The voice although sweet was just as dangerous as a python. Kristi walzed out with a smile plastered across her face, her blonde hair whipped over her shoulder with the movement of her hand.

"Come look what I've done!" She says excitedly.

Clasping her hands together she skips through the great hall in presenting me with a nightmare.

It wasn't the decorations, in fact I enjoyed the red, orange, and green plastic leaves and the dark orange curtains. I thought the cartoon-like witch figure sitting in the corner was a bit much but Halloween was at the end of the month. It wasn't the twinkling orange and white lights or the bowl of candy-corn. It was the pumpkins that encompassed the corner of the room, the mantle of the fireplace, and the pumpkin seeds that collected in a bowl on the coffee table.

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