9. Complete

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Robert and his deputy hadn't said much before leaving. Mads seemed to be more stressed than before, pacing the living room so much that I was sure he would leave indentations. I couldn't think straight enough to calm Mads let alone think of the man who hurt me.

Mads gave me my anti-biotics and was going to give me my pain meds but I didn't want them, since I still felt drowsy from my last dose. He tried to get me to eat but I ended up coughing up a lung on hot soup. With that being said, I was on the verge of starving and on the edge of throwing up due to excessive coughing.

The day passed with constant worry of my health. Mads wanted to take me back to the hospital but I refused.
In his defeat, he was silent for the rest of the day, at war with himself about what to do to help me.

His silent state was making me nervous. It bothered me not knowing what he was thinking. I was begging God above to have Mads tell me his thoughts and feelings. Of course he didn't say anything all day as I was resting in bed.

Late afternoon, my pills had kicked in but luckily I wasn't drowsy as I used to be. I felt better, my chest still hurt when I took deep breaths but I was able to freely move around the house. The aches and pain were gone as was my patience.

Mads was in his office. Staring at his desk in deep thought, his fingers tapping on his desk while on the other hand, he traced his lip with his finger.

The office was dark, the blinds closed, only a lamp iluminated the room. As he stared at his desk, his facial features changed from questionable to worried to anger. Back and forth his features changed. His struggle was evident, obviously harming him.

"Mads," I say as I step inside the room.

He looks up from his empty desk. His eyes went to me instantly with worry. His eyes looked me up and down for harm them again with lust. He shook his head as if ridding the thought, convincing himself not to do something.

"Come here," he says. My heart pounding in my chest. It was like 0 to 100 in a fraction of a second. My legs wobbled while they carried me across the hardwood floor. The air thick with a want and need.

I didn't care about the pain nor the harm it could do. All I wanted was Mads and by the look in his eyes he wanted the same.

I struggled not to run to him, not to scream "fuck me" in that moment.

Did I miss it? Yes.
Did I crave it? Yes.
Was I ready for it? Probably not.
Was I willing yo risk the pain? Hell yes!

I stalked towards him slowly. His eyes move straight to my hips. Once in front of him he grasps my hips and pulls me onto his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle against him.

We sit quietly for a few minutes. His hands move up my sides, pushing my shirt up, revealing my underwear.
He stared at my thighs, his fingers move along the hem of my underwear. He grazes circles against my skin with his fingers. Goosebumps run up my skin showing his affect on me.

"You're so beautiful," he whispers.

He moves his head, his face grazing my strawberry blonde hair.

"So God-damn beautiful," he says, his voice growing with tension, lust and hunger.
"Jeg vil have dig så dårligt, det gør ondt," he continues.

One of my hands cups the side of his face, forcing him to turn to me. His eyes are dangerously full of hunger.
Without hesitation, I move my forehead against his, claiming his lips with mine.

His soft lips become possesive of mine. Tugging my lips harshly as his hands cup my face pulling me closer.
Our lips mold together so perfectly. The taste of him is so delicious that my legs tighten due to my arousal.

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