13. Breath

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Here is an early update because I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone. Islands hit 8k and to me thats just insane! I am so thankful for all the support even though I truly have no idea what I'm doing. I'll try my best to finish up the book over winter break. I have one last update left on The Bar and I plan to start another book. I can't wait for you all to see it because its a story thay I have been wanting to persue for so long.

Thank you so much!

Lots of love

-Annelie Leddy


Tuesday morning came with aches in places I couldn't even explain. Groaning as I shifted in bed, feeling the sharp pain erupt in my thighs. I wince, taking in a sharp breath which only makes my chest tighten. A shot of stabbing pain runs from my back through to my chest, under my breasts as well as my lower back.

I let out a whimper as the pain shoots through me. Trying to remain still to slow down the pain. My arm launched to Mads's usual spot however all I found were cold sheets.
My voice could barely be heard but after my second try, calling out to Mads, he instantly came in running to my rescue.

"Where does it hurt?" He asks.

"My...chest...back," I croak out as my eyes fill with tears.

He rushes out of the room, only a moment pass until he returns. With his black leather doctor's kit in hand, Mads kneels at my side of the bed. He opens the case hastily, sifting through the items until he pulls out a syringe, and a little vile.
He is quick to disinfect my inner elbow with a wet wipe, only to go back to the vile and syringe. I barely notice what occurs, what he does with the syringe and vile as my vision grows blury with dark spots. My body shaking as a slight pinch hits my inner elbow and then I am out like a light.


When I come back to reality, Mads is sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the floor like a child being scolded. He takes a deep breath, attempting to calm himself. Not having a good nights rest, due to my screaming nightmares, had taken a toll on him. Hell! This entire thing, with me being attacked, in the hospital, with Kristi showing up angry as all hell, it all had taken a toll on him. He never complained or admitted his struggle, he only helped. He was a gorgeous human, on the inside and on the outside.

"...love...you," I mumble, barely able to find the words.

He turns his head to look at me, his eyes darker than usual, his skin paler. He needed a relaxing trip on the pontoon. A day with beer and a cigarette, the sun in his face and me in his arms. I just wanted to give him that.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Better...much better," I say rolling onto my back. My eyes adjust to the light, seeing much better than before.

Wearing only his grey sweats, shirtless, at the end of the bed, even looking like he's been hit by a car, he was still so hot.

"What did you give me?" I ask worriedly.

"Morphine. The dose you used to take."

"How long have I been sleeping?" Again I was worried as hell. That medicine affected me in such an odd way.

"Only twenty minutes. You look better, is there any pain?"

"No...I think I can actually breath too...I'm not tired either," I say waryingly.

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