20. Apologize

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Due to the fact that the last chapter was short. I decided to do a double surprise update.


- Annelie Leddy


The syringe Troy used last night was full of a sedative. We took Mads back into our bedroom, removing the blankets, turning up the AC, then turning on the fan in the room. Treating him against his will, we found that his fever did hit 105. With that being said, the twins went to get bags of ice.

With the twins gone, Troy attached an IV to a clothes hanger and hung it by the bed, allowing it to keep Mads hydrated. Troy had gone to the hospital earlier and had plans to stop by to give Mads a cooling blanket just in case his fever got worse, that was several minutes before I called him.

Mads laid in our bed with the fan blowing cool air on him, sweat still dripped down his neck, cascading down the ridges of his muscles.

"He'll want to jump off a bridge when he realizes what he said and did. He could have hurt you, Alison," Troy says with a sorrowful tone.

"Was it just the fever?"

"Yes, once he hit 105 he probably started to hallucinate. He wasn't himself."

"Then theres nothing he should be worried about. It wasn't really him, it was the fever."

"No, Alison, he could have hurt you. If he lost his temper... who knows what he could have done."

I bite my lip. I knew that Mads wouldn't hurt me but then again, he wasn't Mads in those moments. The fact that he instigated sex in that moment, to help his anger.

The images of him holding me down, forcing himself on me like Josh did, made me want to cry. The darkness that consumed me after him, I refused to let it return. The images continued to run through my mind, swallowing me whole as I stared at Mads as he slept.

"Alison, are you okay?" Troy asks suddenly as I am lost in thought.

"Yea...it's just..." My voice cracks. My wrists continue to ache as bruises start to form on them. I rub my wrist while I try to form words.

The images began to send me spiraling into what ifs. My eyes filling with tears yet again tonight. I took in a shaky breath, shivering almost as I began to cry.

"He... he..." I can't bring myself to say the truth.

He wouldn't do that.
He wouldn't do that.
He would, never, ever, do that.

I feel Troy wrap his arms around me, his hard chest was a pillow for my head as I cried into him. His arms a barrier between me and the world around us. My tears ran down my cheeks towards my jaw. Shaking in his hold.

"I got you, don't worry. Ssshhh," He hums.

His shirt now had wet spots from my tears, soaking them in, making them dissapear.

"He took me in here..." I say finally letting my thoughts out.

"He wanted to... but I pushed him away... he wouldn't have..." I continue sobbing into his shirt.

"No... no," He says. I couldn't tell if he was agreeing with me that Mads wouldn't or if he was saying no because he couldn't believe it.


We double bagged ice in zip-lock bags then put the bags along Mads's body. The cooling blanket helped a lot. By the time it was 3 in the morning his fever had gone down to 99.

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