5. Pain

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The forest was cold. A breeze made my skin feel the ice of fall. My skin covered in goosebumps. The smell of smoke from campfires polluted the air. My body continued to ache, faint memories from last night were all I had. It was a shock, a fearful idea; becoming parents? Was it truly possible? Of course it's possible!  I scolded myself for my denial.

My stomach clenched further as I took each step down the trail, pine needles stuck to the sides of my shoes, the cracking of twigs echoed in my ears. The faint noise of leaves rustling is ignored, the sound of rushing water from the creek down the hill.

I remembered falling down that creek last summer. I had passed out and woke up to Mads stitching up my legs.

The memories swarmed my mind. The things I loved about him, the things I've come to know about it. It all consumed me like a sickness I was so preoccupied that I didn't hear the foot steps coming up behind me.

I felt a sting on the back of my head. I fell on my knees in an instant, the dirt soaking into my skin and clothes. I began to get up but felt a hand tug at my hair. My head wipped back with force, the sting of my head was sharp, the force made me yelp in pain.

I felt a hand wrap around my mouth. It didn't feel like skin, a glove. I felt the hand slip down to my throat, a tight grip preventing me from breathing let alone screaming. I gasped for air as the grip became tighter. For what felt like minutes I struggled to gasp for air. Although the hand was tight around my throat, the body I was pulled against was calm. The smell of cinnemon went through my nostrils, so strong it made me want to gag.

My vision became blurry as I struggled and the rustling of leaves were so distant, the idea of falling into a deep sleep seemed pleasant. A distant voice echoed in my head yet I couldn't make out the tone or words.

I was released. My body fell limp onto the dirt. Gasping for air, my mind still in a haze. The air felt thick in my throat causing me to cough and gag. I was on all fours trying to stand when I felt the ache and burn swarm the side of my body.
I was flung onto my back, the sun scortching my eyes. I let out another shriek of pain. I pushed myself over to get to my feet, adrenaline kicking in. I needed to run, to get away. The burning and aching feeling of my side came back but this time with more force. I felt my back hit something hard, a sharp pain spread throughout my body.

I felt my hair being pulled again but not to tilt my head but to pull the rest of my body against the dirt ground. I swatted at the hand that pulled ne but  it was useless. I yelled for help, causing the burning in my throat to become more unbearable.

I felt a sting come upon my cheek, then another and another. I hear a voice from a distance and again couldn't make out the words. My head, my chest, my waist, my neck, all of me was in pain. I couldn't scream or fight, I felt helpless, I felt tired.

My vision was worse, my breathing was labored, wheezing loudly, I cried out but nothing else happened. Nothing occured not for another few minutes. I laid here, on Kellner trail feeling myself slip away in a deep sleep, my body failing me.

Nothing prepared me for the feeling that came as a sharp stick was thrusted into my lower abdomen. The pain rushed through me, making me scream. I felt the blood soak my clothes. The long, thick wooden stick stayed, lodged into my body. I gasped as the pain washed over me, as the blood continued to flow out of me, as my vision was dissipating.

I was thankful as the pain dissapeared and I was able to close my eyes. My breathing was slow now, my head was so light, my muscles with no ache or pain. I relaxed onto the ground and fell into a deep sleep. The last thought I had was of Mads, hoping he never had to feel this pain, hoping me was fine. He probably was sitting at home, worried about what could have been. I just wish he knew he didn't have to worry anymore.

A/N; I know this was short but due to the violence and the craziness, I decided to end it here. Sorry.

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