11. Scared

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Heres your double update! Again, sorry for not updating Friday, if something comes up I'll let you guys know in advance. Just be warned that finals are coming up and that means projects and essays and a lot of studying. Luckily I will be spending time at the gym and will be able to write. I'll do my best.



After Kristi left crying, Mads gave me my medicine, and then examined me. No more bruises or harm done to my stitches, yet my chest was swarming in pain.
After Mads's hand was bandaged, we retreated to the living room where Mads's hand was being iced.
I laid on the couch, my head on Mads's lap. My eyes closed as I went in and out of consciousness due to the pain medicine. We were all gathered in the living room, all except for Kristi.

Mads's unbandage hand caressed my head, brushing my hair with his fingers. I kept hearing the odds and ends of sentences yet never got the important details.

"Kristi has always been like this, we're just now realizing it," Christopher explains as I finally hear a full sentence.

"She's been like this ever since the accident," Reed explains.

I shift my body, turn to my other side, my face against Mads's abdomen. His hand rests on my cheek, his thunb moving on my cheek bone as if whiping away a tear.

"Robert, hand me that blanket," Mads says.

After a moment I feel a thick crochet blanket being draped over me. The blanket begins to warm me up as I curve into Mads groggily grasping the end of his shirt.

"Her parents died in front of her, of course she has issues," Troy explains.

I begin to fall asleep, breathing quickly yet shallow. My chest was filled with sharp pain but luckily it began to subside as my body relaxed.


It was in the afternoon when I finally woke up. I was moved from the couch to the bed. The curtains closed and the room dark. I began to sit up, my chest still stinging with pain.

I groan as I begin to get off the bed, trying my best to steady myself on the hardwood floor. My body shaking still from the cruel pain that I experienced earlier.

I found my way out the bedroom and into the living room. Mads wasn't in sight. My throat was dry and thus I decided to look in the kitchen.
With no Mads in sight, I decided to grab a waterbotttle from the fridge.
I twisted the cap, then took a few gulps. My back stung, sharp pain as I began to take in deeper breathes.

"I'm sorry," a voice echoed.

I turned around, searching for Mads but couldn't see him.

"Mads?" I call out.

There was no reply, silence encompassed me. It was odd, the sense of Mads watching me was no longer present.

"Mads?" I called out.

"I'm so, so sorry," the voice continued to call out.

I felt pressure in my chest. Pain surged through me until it became unbearable.

"Mads," I cried out with fear.

I suddenly couldn't see anything, darkness comsumed me. No sound, no words spoken. Goosebumps rushed through me. I felt fear rush through my body.

Suddenly the entrance to the living room caught my eye. A figure moving in the darkness, something moved, coming closer towards me.

"Mads?" I call out again.

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