32. A Drink

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I honestly couldn't wait the full week to update. I am so excited to see reactions so please comment what you think...

Lots of love

I apologize ahead of time.

- Annelie Leddy



Had I been able to tell the future and know what Troy would do, I would have never agreed to dinner. I didn't know whether or not to call and say I wasn't feeling well or if I should just go and ignore Troy but either way there was one problem that haunted me; Mads. 

I didn't really understand what to exactly tell him or if I should tell him. Troy had undressed me in my sleep, touched my thighs and chest and cursed himself in a voice of lust. I felt violated and shameful. It wasn't as if Troy had groped me or tried to have sex with me but undressing me and running his hands all over me felt pretty damn close. The fact that I had entrusted him with everything, being my doctor even, it was like I didn't know him at all. I felt like I had been lied to and violated, and misguided about everything. 

I kept my phone close to me, texting Mads every minute after he replied. While I was sitting in my car, I tried to find a way to get out of this but I knew no matter what, I'd have to tell Mads. I knew this was going to kill him and in turn he would kill Troy. Mads would never let this go, he would kill Troy in a heartbeat, completely dismissing him as family. I felt a lump in my throat just thinking about it. 

My phone beeped for the hundredth time today and my eyes although burning from holding back the fearful tears, I picked up my phone and looked at the new text from mad. 

Call me

I want to hear your voice

His texts always sounded so sweet. Anyone who read our texts would think that our relationship was perfect although in reality it was far from it.

After the first ring, halfway through the second, Mads answered with sigh. 

"Hows my gorgeous girlfriend doing?" He answers. I smile instantly at his voice, my heart swelling, feeling whole again. 

"Okay, how are you?" I ask. My voice cracks from previously worrying and panicking. 

"Whats wrong?" He was hastily worrying, panic already filling his voice. Mads always worried about me and just the slightest thing set him off on a rampent panic. 

"Nothing," I lie. I take in a shaky breath then continue. "I just miss you, that's all."

"I'll be home before you know it. Next time, if you want, you can come with me. I know it'll be hard coming back but if you come with me you can do something other than read at home. It might even be relaxing," He suggests. 

I smile, thinking about us at some fancy restaurant. This image near laughable because of how introvert we are. 

"When do you have to go back?" I worried. 

"I have a scheduled meeting with the Mayor in December. We could do our Christmas shopping then."

Seeing Mads Christmas shopping made me giggle. The man was easily stressed and to think of him shopping for his family when the man could barely remember his nephew's birthday was amusing. 

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